people with house chickens

They are so cute and precious. Scary to me though, I need to learn a whole lot more before bringing little peeps into the world. I have to learn about the introduction of new chicks into the flock, certainly about diseases.

Our dog and cats go in a funk when we are not there. So do the hens. What is this trance or guilt phase they have to lay on us? It is guilt! And that is why do don't try to leave them alone too long, and smother them with love and treats and petting and letting them be more spoiled than ever. Try to be strong, you owners, they have you in their grips And they will never let you go.. Gotta love em!
They are so cute and precious. Scary to me though, I need to learn a whole lot more before bringing little peeps into the world. I have to learn about the introduction of new chicks into the flock, certainly about diseases.

Our dog and cats go in a funk when we are not there. So do the hens. What is this trance or guilt phase they have to lay on us? It is guilt! And that is why do don't try to leave them alone too long, and smother them with love and treats and petting and letting them be more spoiled than ever. Try to be strong, you owners, they have you in their grips And they will never let you go.. Gotta love em!

How very true!
Thanks, guys!

They are just so special and unique, I love these weird little things!

Oh, and as promised, here's a pic of baby #3:

This one looks even more like daddy, and also got me out of a speeding ticket! I'm absolutely 100% serious. It just so happens that I was stopped by an officer who used to hatch her own babies as well. I gotta say, I've never had such a cool traffic stop in my life :)
Hi All,

Quite a few years back I had a barred rock that lived in my apt. She was the SWEETEST chicken ever.. She loved to lay in my lap and purr while I pulled her feathers thru my fingers.
Ha! she would lie in my lap looking like road kill... all flopped out.
I miss having chickens.. but I am working towards getting a little serama, maybe two, maybe three. Hehehehehe.
My husband is seriously going to kill me.
But I love chickens!
I want some back yard chickens.. but the HOA makes it difficult and expensive. They want you to submit blue prints and have one of those high end chicken coops...sure they are cute, but i dont have $600-$1200 to buy one...
So for now I am going to have my cute little Seramas and eventually I will have some full sized chickens in the back yard!!!!

I have been googling Seramas like a crazy person..
I will post pics once I get them.

Hi Terri,
I love the Serama's too. Everything about them is adorable. A friend on here had a little house rooster that used to crow and he had the tiniest little crow,. It was the cutest thing.I think she posted a video of it on this forum so if you go back to the older posts you should be able to see him in action.His name is Taco. Anywho, welcome aboard and dont be afraid to ask questions...everyone here is super nice. I wouldnt have survived my rookie year of chickens without them. Take care.
Aww thank you

I love these ridiculous little creatures! I've already decided there's no way I'm having kids, so I gotta be proud of something, right?
Who are you kidding Phantom? YOu dont have TIME for human kids LOL. Besides take it from me, feathered kids are way better than human ones. Mine talk back, dont want my advice, moved out waaaay to early and now all three are parents before they are 21....Oh wait they turned into me....dammit. But still hope life settles down a little for you soon. I might need advice when it comes hatch time...first year for me and IM scared...take care
Who are you kidding Phantom? YOu dont have TIME for human kids LOL. Besides take  it from me, feathered kids are way better than human ones. Mine talk back, dont want my advice, moved out waaaay to early and now all three are parents before they are 21....Oh wait they turned into me....dammit. But still hope life settles down a little for you soon. I might need advice when it comes hatch time...first year for me and IM scared...take care

You're right! I have zero time these days! Also, I like feathered and furry kids SO much more than human ones. I'm not fit to reproduce!

And of course you can bother me anytime with hatching questions! I'm still pretty new to it as well, but my obsessive attention to detail seems to work well for this kind of thing.

I'm not always checking BYC, but I'll always respond to a text. Throw me a PM if you want, and I'll give you my number. Same goes for all you other crazy house chicken people! I'm not a chicken guru by any means, but I'm almost always available (I stay up late), and will help any way I can if you're freaking out about something or at least want an opinion or someone to bounce questions/concerns off of.
well your not the only one my husband and I have decided no children.. we have chickens :)

It's a decision that works well for me.

Chickens are way cheaper to feed, they put me in a happy mood ALL the time, they don't have report cards, they don't text, they don't want expensive toys, they don't vandalize, if they steal anything they can't be punished by the law (and people think it's cute), they don't talk back (in English), I can lock them in a cage when I don't want to deal with them and people won't think I'm a monster, and at least so far, they're not growing up to hate and resent me for trying to raise them properly.

Yeah, I think I'll stick to chickens ;)
It's a decision that works well for me.

Chickens are way cheaper to feed, they put me in a happy mood ALL the time, they don't have report cards, they don't text, they don't want expensive toys, they don't vandalize, if they steal anything they can't be punished by the law (and people think it's cute), they don't talk back (in English), I can lock them in a cage when I don't want to deal with them and people won't think I'm a monster, and at least so far, they're not growing up to hate and resent me for trying to raise them properly.

Yeah, I think I'll stick to chickens
Very true! Which is why I too, will just stick with animal children.

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