people with house chickens

I'm doing good. Instead of moving to Arizona/Utah like we were supposed to, we are moving to New Hampshire which is only an HOUR away from our house! (a little more than an hour actually.)
It is 50 degrees today, so all the ducks are having baths and im planning to bring out Finn with a leash on.

Finn has never molted yet. When do they start?

Congrats, that's exciting!
I am anxiously waiting for 50 and 60 degree weather. We had a little warm up last week but it just went right back to being cold again. :(
They typically will molt their 2nd fall but it can be different with house chickens. Artificial lighting can disrupt their internal schedule and cause them to molt at other times of the year, which I think is what happened to Ebony. :) How old is Finn?
Here is my poor pitiful Ebony. I am very excited for her to grown in her new beautiful feathers.

This is her pre-molt. And this is her now.

Pre-molt Now

She's definitely seen prettier days.

But I still love her.
Haha, poor baby!

He's about 6 months now. He had a little molt with his neck, but it grew back. Hoping when he does, he doesn't loose everything and become naked!
Poor thing! I hope she gets dressed soon!!! Er........uh...........I don't mean "dressed" like for the table............I mean puts feathers on!!!! LOL!!!! I'll try to post a picture of my three babies. I'm still not certain, but I THINK that the middle sized one (the larger dark one) is the Cuckoo Marans and the smallest one is the Barred Rock. I've had them for two weeks as of yesterday. Buffy already needs a perch. Hubby put one in the brooder for her, but she STILL likes to sit on top of the feeder or the waterer in there. I don't know why they are three different sizes. Two were supposed to be 3 weeks and one 5 weeks old two weeks ago when I got them. I don't see any pink on their teensy combs just starting, so I'm hopeful that they're all girls!

Hubby brought the four concrete pilons (?) to put the posts for the coop upon from the barn a while ago. That's all the progress so far on the coop! He'd better move faster than that getting it built! They're growing like weeds! I bought them a tub to make a dust bath in and 100 feet of hardware cloth so I've got it when it's needed. I also got my food grade D.E. I bought it for them to add to their dust bath, coop, and to worm them, but I'm going to take it too! I've heard it has lots of benefits for humans!
Hi All,

I picked up 4 day old silkie chicks Wednesday, 3 partridge and 1 white one.
They are sooo stinkin cute!

chick 1 chick 2 chick 3

feeding frenzy chick 4 1st brooder

They are onery little things...grabbing toes..fighting over food, but they love to snuggle and walk right into my hands.
I took one of the older silkies to Petco with me to pick up some stuff.Einstein was wearing her diaper and wasn't as traumatized this time. She rode in the basket of the cart nestled in my coat. All of the employees loved her and she got compliments and pets from strangers. I got the birds' wax worms for a treat..I think they love them more than meal worms. They are more soft bodied than the meal worms. I gave the chicks some...there was a lot of Wormie Tug of War going on. They have sand to help grind em up. The babies will get a bigger brooder box soon too.

This is einstein..possible hen This is Squawkie..possible hen The black one is Russell(Crowe)
a cockerel

With Einstein I haven't seen any comb development nor streamers on the crest and no crowing.
Te same goes for Squawkie..she also squawks when you pet her on her back.
Russell started crowing a couple weeks back.
Right now they are 16 weeks old.

And I told my daughter we didn't need any more chicken...I need to stay away from Atwoods during chick days.
You're right! They're terribly cute! I liked that you named one Russell (for when he crows). LOL!!! That's ingenious!
I am still trying to make a decision about chicken diapers. They are so expensive . The chicken diaper patterns on line are really not all that. I love my hens, and I let them in the kitchen daily to just "be in" for a little while.. Probably not going to happen as the days get warmer. I would just love to teach (at least one of them) to go for a walk.

Re: the kids issue. I got married at 27. I always had cats and a dog all my life. My grandfather was a farmer, and sold eggs most of his life. But this was in the 1920' through the 1960's.
I would so never give up the joy of raising my sons. But now, I have time to do the things that I want to do. I love gardening, the hens are a challenge so I just fenced in my garden. I love them and find them funny and sweet. I would never give up anything, kids, dogs, cats, chickens and all. Now I want a cow, goats, a horse and a pig. Not for eating. Enjoy your life, and all will come to those who are patient and loving.

Best wishes to all, who ever chooses any lifestyle that fits. Just do the things you all want, so there are no regrets.

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