people with house chickens

Now I want some seremas! Will this madness never end?

They are adorable!

It's funny that you've gone with using big tough names for your Seramas, cause I did that as well:

Meet Brutus, next to him is Sterling, his favorite buddy in the whole world:

Although, I'm not sure if Brutus is actually a boy... Comb says boy, but feathering looks more girlish.. Enzo seems to be having some gender issues as well. She turned 4 months old today, and decided to try and start crowing.

Anyone who knows more about this than I do is urged to chime in

I like those kinds of names for Seramas, and it seems to fit their personalities...I had a Ninja (RIP) who bizarrely enough had to be Hercules' mother. She died the day she laid the egg that turned out to be Hercules....she had been molting hard and so it had to be her first one (and last one) in a long time. I didn't know what I had until Hercules started growing in her adult feathers...spitting image and 'honks' instead of clucks, just like her mom used to!

I had a Serama hen who used to get so excited when broody and/or about to lay her egg that she would crow...a squeaky shrill one-tone crow (RRREEEeeeeee!), but still obviously a crow - so you never know, maybe Enzo is just getting excited to lay
Thank you!

Thanks!  :)   I like those kinds of names for Seramas, and it seems to fit their personalities...I had a Ninja (RIP) who bizarrely enough had to be Hercules' mother.  She died the day she laid the egg that turned out to be Hercules....she had been molting hard and so it had to be her first one (and last one) in a long time.  I didn't know what I had until Hercules started growing in her adult feathers...spitting image and 'honks' instead of clucks, just like her mom used to!:love

I had a Serama hen who used to get so excited when broody and/or about to lay her egg that she would crow...a squeaky shrill one-tone crow (RRREEEeeeeee!), but still obviously a crow - so you never know, maybe Enzo is just getting excited to lay  :)

That would be crazy! I've always heard that Modern Game Bantams start laying late, but ya never know! She is constantly overachieving. Hahaha. It would shock me if she ends up being a boy, because she sure looks like a pullet to me.

Also, that is such a sweet story about Ninja and Hercules. She spent her last moments giving life to another. She lives on in Hercules, and that's just such an amazing thing to me :)

By the way, I'm really happy to see life in this thread again! I end up spending most of my downtime at work checking it feverishly.

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Hi everyone!

Thought I post an update, & lovin the pics btw!

My little Pekin / cochin bantam cockerel went to chicken heaven
sadly I had to decide between him & a larger cockerel for my hens. Since we breed for meat also, it had to be the bigger bird.

In case anybody is wondering, I live in a town & can only keep one rooster which lives indoors of an evening to prevent noise disturbances.

On the bright side, Alvin as he is named, is now a beautiful large rooster & he is very happy coming in of an evening & lounging in his blanket or the dog bed. He is such a sweet bird & I think this is down to the amount of handling I give my cockerels. The only bad cockerel I ever had was rarely handled.
Alvin also sleeps in the dog bed with the dogs!

DH says we shall have him until his fertility drops & then he can retire to the sofa in his old age & we'll get a replacement that lives mainly in the garden.

I still miss my "Trouble in a bubble" though
he was the tiniest cockerel with feathered feet. Such a sweetie. But nobody wanted him.
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Hey guys! I'm on the old computer right now, so I have a bunch of old Finn pictures. (by a bunch I mean a few, and they all are blurry except this one). He looks so weird in this picture!

Does anyone here remember Rooster Cogburn? I miss him so much. I hope he comes back soon, hopefully he will still trust and remember me.

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