people with house chickens

My rooster died this morning

Im so sad I will miss my sweet boy
I'm so sorry your sweet rooster did not make it. I know how hard it can be to lose a dear chicken.
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You guys are all so sweet
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure your sweet roo knew how much he was loved even though he didn't get to be with you as long as you both wanted.
I have 3 sweet cuddly boys and am absolutely dreading the day that one passes..hopefully not for a long long time.
I'm so sorry for your loss.  I'm sure your sweet roo knew how much he was loved even though he didn't get to be with you as long as you both wanted. :hugs  I have 3 sweet cuddly boys and am absolutely dreading the day that one passes..hopefully not for a long long time. :(  
Thank you so much!! I think we were both attached to each other. You don't come across many sweet roosters. It's sad, I finally stopped crying. How old are yours?Do all your boys get along with each other??

Mine are 3, 2 and about 5 months...and are grandpa, son and grandson to each other. They are all in the same run together with the hens (17) and other than one scuffle between the two older ones a few months back they are peaceful. They're all Seramas so I think are mellower in temperament. It could get more complicated at some point but for now it works. The run is quite large so there's a lot of room for them to roam.
The two younger (Duo and Andre) ones follow me around squeaking (
) at me and pawing at my pant legs until I pick them up for a cuddle.
Cujo (grandpa) is a little more reserved but still lets me pick him up. He just doesn't like it as much if I do it when the hens are he's embarrassed for being a softie.

Andre is the youngest (named for Andre the Giant). Here's a picture from a few months back - he was in my hubby's sweatshirt pocket. He's bigger now, but not by a lot! He and his two sisters had to live inside for a few months as they all got the sniffles pretty bad during the crazy winter weather we had here. They were fantastic house pets....I miss them being inside but hubby was not a fan of the idea for the long term!

Mine are 3, 2 and about 5 months...and are grandpa, son and grandson to each other. They are all in the same run together with the hens (17) and other than one scuffle between the two older ones a few months back they are peaceful. They're all Seramas so I think are mellower in temperament. It could get more complicated at some point but for now it works. The run is quite large so there's a lot of room for them to roam. The two younger (Duo and Andre) ones follow me around squeaking :)lau ) at me and pawing at my pant legs until I pick them up for a cuddle.:love Cujo (grandpa) is a little more reserved but still lets me pick him up. He just doesn't like it as much if I do it when the hens are he's embarrassed for being a softie. Andre is the youngest (named for Andre the Giant). Here's a picture from a few months back - he was in my hubby's sweatshirt pocket. He's bigger now, but not by a lot! He and his two sisters had to live inside for a few months as they all got the sniffles pretty bad during the crazy winter weather we had here. They were fantastic house pets....I miss them being inside but hubby was not a fan of the idea for the long term!
That picture is Too cute!! So all three are different generations. My rooster used to follow me around and squeak it was funny. They almost seem like dogs. It's fun to have them inside.
Chrissy903 I understand losing your little buddy. I'm sorry for what you are going through. He is up in chicken heaven having a good time now

Thank you, yes hes in heaven
He was my buddy. I'm doing a little better now
Ill never forget him. Have u lost any chickens before?
Yes, I have lost 2 of my baby girls. Betsy and Marilyn. I nursed Marilyn for 2 months before I put her to sleep. Betsy died from a crop impaction. Now that I know what it was I know what to look for if any of my babies get sick with it again. It was so hard both times. More so with Marilyn because she was asking me to put her out of her misery and I just didn't know how to do it. :( I ended up giving her some of my sleeping pills crushed up in liquid by feeding tube. We shared so many conversations and stories..
Yes, I have lost 2 of my baby girls. Betsy and Marilyn. I nursed Marilyn for 2 months before I put her to sleep. Betsy died from a crop impaction. Now that I know what it was I know what to look for if any of my babies get sick with it again. It was so hard both times. More so with Marilyn because she was asking me to put her out of her misery and I just didn't know how to do it. :( I ended up giving her some of my sleeping pills crushed up in liquid by feeding tube. We shared so many conversations and stories..

Awww I'm so sorry about that. Im sure you did the best u can for them. Mine died of the same thing, his crop was so big Now I know what to look out for too. It's hard to see them suffer in pain like that.

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