people with house chickens

Oh! Right now we have them in the chicken house part, and tomorrow we're gonna let them out with the rest of the birds. We always do that with new birds, let them stay in overnight and the next day let them out.
I have a chicken inside her name is Fluf. She is a silkie. She sleeps on a pillow on my bed. She will lay with my cats by the window. She first came in side when she fell in a pig pen and lost a toe nail. then she became a house pet.
I have a chicken inside her name is Fluf. She is a silkie. She sleeps on a pillow on my bed. She will lay with my cats by the window. She first came in side when she fell in a pig pen and lost a toe nail. then she became a house pet.
Welcome to the thread! How long have you had Fluf inside for?

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