people with house chickens

Dottie now with her eleven
And outside for the nite.


The girls seem to prefer wet days over sunny days! They had a ball out there this morning

Don't you know bugs and worms come to the surface when it rains? Our little Maria wants to go outside when it's pouring! I keep telling her she can't swim and I'm not going to stand out there with her to hold an umbrella over her head! She's like; "But MOM! There's things to eat out there - PLEASE!" Ain't happening child!

Omg those photos are so cute I never would have guessed a damp silkie would be so cute! Poor Pancake she is all itchy and extra dusty because she is shedding her baby down. Scratch, scratch sneeze. She only is sneezing when she is itching lots from the shedding feathers it is really cute. Also she keeps playing in her water dish, I'll look up and there she is in the ramkin splashing her feet in it.
Omg those photos are so cute I never would have guessed a damp silkie would be so cute! Poor Pancake she is all itchy and extra dusty because she is shedding her baby down. Scratch, scratch sneeze. She only is sneezing when she is itching lots from the shedding feathers it is really cute. Also she keeps playing in her water dish, I'll look up and there she is in the ramkin splashing her feet in it.
She could have allergies. Our Maria does. Try giving her a Cod liver oil gel cap once a day. I get it wet, pry open her mouth and poke it in. CLO is a great immune med for all of us!

Be sure to check her for mites too. If you have wild birds in the area, then you have mites in the area too. Just a percaution! Standing in her water bowl isn't natural from what I've seen in mine. Might have leg mites working their way under her skin. That sneezing could be from mites in her nostrils.

She could have allergies. Our Maria does. Try giving her a Cod liver oil gel cap once a day. I get it wet, pry open her mouth and poke it in. CLO is a great immune med for all of us!

Be sure to check her for mites too. If you have wild birds in the area, then you have mites in the area too. Just a percaution! Standing in her water bowl isn't natural from what I've seen in mine. Might have leg mites working their way under her skin. That sneezing could be from mites in her nostrils.

Thanks, I'll check her for mites. I think another reason she stands in her water bowl is to clean her feet, if she stepped in her poo, she hates it when she does that. Foot shaking then goes and cleans her feet off in the water bowl. Which means I have to change her water, silly thing. I think I change her water close to three times a day.
Thanks, I'll check her for mites. I think another reason she stands in her water bowl is to clean her feet, if she stepped in her poo, she hates it when she does that. Foot shaking then goes and cleans her feet off in the water bowl. Which means I have to change her water, silly thing. I think I change her water close to three times a day.
Oh the dirty feet! Of course my silkies have the feathered feet that catches everything. I'm constantly having to take them to the sink and wash them off. Then dry them off with a towel. I laugh so hard at Maria. She doesn't like wet feet and will do the high stepping walk when she gets down on the floor. She'll raise each leg high into the air to take a step. I call this her wearing high heels walk! LOL

You can keep her out of the water bowl by getting one of those water dishes if you want her to stop doing that. But it sounds like it isn't a problem for you to deal with! Just a suggestion for ya!

I use Johnson Baby Shampoo to bathe my kids with. But I've learned from someone else that Dawn detergent is also a great thing to use too. I mean it's used to bathe wild birds with when they are covered in oil spills. So I guess it wouldn't hurt my kids. It's supposed to also kill fleas on dogs too!

How big is she now? Picture please! I love the Buffs!

The girls seem to prefer wet days over sunny days! They had a ball out there this morning

Silkies also like to sit in front of blowing heaters/hairdryers/box fans. Ours likes to tap on the fan when she wants it turned on and then stands or sits in front of it to feel the breeze over her feathers.

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