people with house chickens

Maria was doing something this evening after coming in from outside that reminded me I needed to add this info to this post!
When her sinuses are acting up she'll tilt her head upwards and swallow a lot. This is her telling me she has a runny nose. So I give her a sinus tablet and she's better in no time!

Sinus tablet?
Sinus tablet?

snd the tablet worked fast because etheir metabolism is so fast. in our bodies that tablet is a time release in theirs its an instand reaction and concentrated. chickens r weird anotomicly and how they work. its y they get sick so fast and it becomes fatal. its like their 5 min is really an hour
Most animal meds are the same as human meds! I even had a conversation in a store one day with a lady that has all sorts of animals, chickens that gave me a name of someone/somewhere that ppl can get their animal, chickens meds from cheaper than a VET! I've never researched the info though, because I generally use OTC meds for my kids. They've worked as well as the high dollar VET meds. Because they are the same basically! I have discussed this with my VET and she's agreed. I'm not just squawking in the wind here!

I give Maria a 1/2 tablet of the generic ChlorTabs I get from Wal-mart. It's a Allergy Relief, Anthistamine med. This is also what me and my husband use for ourselves. I've been using this med for my chickens for years and it's never hurt them. There are a 100 tablets in the bottle and they go along way.

If a chicken has gotten REALLY sick with sinus problems. I fix a carrier up for them and cover it with a blanket. I get a small crock pot, fill it with hot water and add Liquid Vicks to it and slide it underneath the blanket so they can breathe the Vicks' fumes to help them breathe easier too. And of course I put an ice pack underneath the towel they are sitting on because it gets warm underneath the blanket. I also use the Vicks crock pot in the bedroom at night while me or hubby is sick. Helps clear us all up! :)

Hope this is what you were wanting to know?

I use earth bath pouppy shampoo its soap free coconut based muffy is always fluffy and shiney :)

Can you be more specific as to what the brand name is and where you got it from and what you use it for?

I only use baby shampoo to wash crusty butt/vent areas and not for lice or any kind of treatment and not for show preparation. What do you use your product for?
I use earth bath pouppy shampoo its soap free coconut based muffy is always fluffy and shiney :)

Can you be more specific as to what the brand name is and where you got it from and what you use it for? 

I only use baby shampoo to wash crusty butt/vent areas and not for lice or any kind of treatment and not for show preparation.  What do you use your product for?
this would be an ideal for cleaning muddy or poopy chickens lol. It works the same way as baby shampoo, the idea is to not strip all the oils from the feathers/skin.
this would be an ideal for cleaning muddy or poopy chickens lol. It works the same way as baby shampoo, the idea is to not strip all the oils from the feathers/skin.

Got any Brand names?

If it works like baby shampoo would there be any reason to switch from baby to this other stuff? I only wash butts and feathered feet.
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