people with house chickens

Got any Brand names? 

If it works like baby shampoo would there be any reason to switch from baby to this other stuff?  I only wash butts and feathered feet.
whichever is cheaper! I'd imagine high end dog shampoo is much more expensive than baby shampoo.

Unless you are going for a more natural approach, then it's worth spending the money.
Hi Everybody! I have enjoyed reading all of your posts about house chickens. Sophie is adorable! I really want a lavender silkie. I am running into difficulties finding a breeder who will sell just one or two silkies. i am trying to figure out what my future silkie will sleep in. I can't find a coop that is super small, just for one. I might have to build one from scratch. Yikes!!
Can you be more specific as to what the brand name is and where you got it from and what you use it for? 

I only use baby shampoo to wash crusty butt/vent areas and not for lice or any kind of treatment and not for show preparation.  What do you use your product for?
he brand is earth bath
whichever is cheaper! I'd imagine high end dog shampoo is much more expensive than baby shampoo.

Unless you are going for a more natural approach, then it's worth spending the money.
It's 12$ for a bottle of Earth Bath but I'm on the same bottle for my dog and Muffy sense November
So my eight month old Easter egger hen loves to cuddle with me. She extends her head out and cuddles my neck. She was purring like a cat LOL. it was so cute and funny at the same time. I guess she was happy.
Pancake is being silly cute, she lay down in my lap and I started petting her, she got up because my petting her puts her to sleep. Such a typical toddler behavior 'no I don't want to sleep' she doesn't like being put to bed either. She cries when I cover her cage in the evening. But if I let her stay up past 7:30 she is up all night which isn't good for a growing chick.
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Hi Everybody! I have enjoyed reading all of your posts about house chickens. Sophie is adorable! I really want a lavender silkie. I am running into difficulties finding a breeder who will sell just one or two silkies. i am trying to figure out what my future silkie will sleep in. I can't find a coop that is super small, just for one. I might have to build one from scratch. Yikes!!

Any breed of chicken should be kept at least in two's or three's. Too lonely for one chicken as I've done it before and it's not fair to the bird. They are after all flock birds and even budgies we kept in pairs at the very least.

A coop is basically a place to lay an egg or roost for the night so doesn't have to be extravagant - just secure. However the area that the Silkies will spend their day foraging and exercising is where they will need the room and secured from outside predators. You may want to peruse the BYC "Post your coop pictures here" thread to get some really good advice and see the various coops people have put together and what kind of critique they are getting about their coops from experienced chickeneers.

Our Silkies today are both house visitors and outdoor free-rangers depending on their mood. We have one Silkie that comes in the house to lay her egg in the hospital pen because she gets tired of waiting in line for her "favourite" nestbox and then promptly leaves the house after laying her egg. Such adaptable and fun creatures.

So glad you are liking chickeneering but read a lot before jumping in. I researched for 6 months about backyard chickens before getting two Silkies and 3 years later am STILL getting lessons especially from the BYC threads! I think starting on the coop pictures thread starting from about page 150 onward is plenty informative enough for a beginner to get overwhelmed LOL! But very helpful and actually fun !!
So my eight month old Easter egger hen loves to cuddle with me. She extends her head out and cuddles my neck. She was purring like a cat LOL. it was so cute and funny at the same time. I guess she was happy.

We don't have an EE but a related breed - an APA Ameraucana and she is just a sweetie. She is hyper, kooky, klutzy, skittish, alert, jumpy, vocal, predator savvy, not a broody, and not interested in flock politics. She does everything she can to avoid conflicts. This is the nature of the breed. keeps Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas because they will accept orphaned chicks or injured birds into their flock willingly - a very caring gentle breed that you don't get with most other breeds. For all their hyperactivity they are not flighty to want to leave the yard. They seem to like staying around where they know you are going to care for them. We kept our girl inhouse during her quarantine period before introducing her to the outdoor flock so we got a lot of interraction with her while she was a juvenile. It takes awhile for the breed to mature and once they do they are pure joy.

They seem to crave human interraction, love to carry on conversations with you back and forth, allow you to pick them up and cuddle them until they fall asleep in your arms - most other breeds can't wait to jump out of your arms but the Ameraucanas and EEs like to hang around you and not just for treats in your hand. When you pet them they coo like they're really happy with the attention. We had a Dominique who was very similar in temperament and it was sad when we lost her as she had formed a sweet gentle bond with the Ameraucana.

What surprised us about our girl is that she lays in winter and when all the other breeds go broody she doesn't - a real plus! And her eggs have gone from LG to XL after turning one year old last month.
We don't have an EE but a related breed - an APA Ameraucana and she is just a sweetie.  She is hyper, kooky, klutzy, skittish, alert, jumpy, vocal, predator savvy, not a broody, and not interested in flock politics.  She does everything she can to avoid conflicts.  This is the nature of the breed. keeps Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas because they will accept orphaned chicks or injured birds into their flock willingly - a very caring gentle breed that you don't get with most other breeds.  For all their hyperactivity they are not flighty to want to leave the yard.  They seem to like staying around where they know you are going to care for them.  We kept our girl inhouse during her quarantine period before introducing her to the outdoor flock so we got a lot of interraction with her while she was a juvenile.  It takes awhile for the breed to mature and once they do they are pure joy.

They seem to crave human interraction, love to carry on conversations with you back and forth, allow you to pick them up and cuddle them until they fall asleep in your arms - most other breeds can't wait to jump out of your arms but the Ameraucanas and EEs like to hang around you and not just for treats in your hand.  When you pet them they coo like they're really happy with the attention.  We had a Dominique who was very similar in temperament and it was sad when we lost her as she had formed a sweet gentle bond with the Ameraucana.

What surprised us about our girl is that she lays in winter and when all the other breeds go broody she doesn't - a real plus!  And her eggs have gone from LG to XL after turning one year old last month.

I've noticed that this breed does mature on the later side. She just started laying too. She's all the qualities u mentioned So they do seem similiar.

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