people with house chickens

Still in shock about this, but my beautiful hen, Buttercup, has passed away this afternoon. She got her head caught in the fence, and before I could get outside, she snapped her neck and died. I found her outside in her dustbathing spot, and she looked like she was asleep. After confirming she was actually dead and not unconscious, we buried her under her favorite tree. Rest in peace, Buttercup.
I am so so so so sorry! My heart aches for you and your family.
Thank you. It's still really hard to process. This is the first death we have had with our farm animals.

People tell you to get used to losing animals. But you don't. 20 years later my sister still mourns her Cockerpoo.

We lost two chicks last year at 19-days-old and 3-months-old and we still feel a twang evey time we come across their photos or remember the cute little things they did.
Still in shock about this, but my beautiful hen, Buttercup, has passed away this afternoon. She got her head caught in the fence, and before I could get outside, she snapped her neck and died. I found her outside in her dustbathing spot, and she looked like she was asleep. After confirming she was actually dead and not unconscious, we buried her under her favorite tree. Rest in peace, Buttercup.

Omg I'm so sorry about that!! How terrible.
People tell you to get used to losing animals.  But you don't.  20 years later my sister still mourns her Cockerpoo.

We lost two chicks last year at 19-days-old and 3-months-old and we still feel a twang evey time we come across their photos or remember the cute little things they did.

It's hard to forget about our precious hens or roosters that die. I'm still sad over mine.
People tell you to get used to losing animals. But you don't. 20 years later my sister still mourns her Cockerpoo.

We lost two chicks last year at 19-days-old and 3-months-old and we still feel a twang evey time we come across their photos or remember the cute little things they did.

I've lost a few animals before, dogs, a bunny, a cat, and a gerbil, but it just really hit me hard when it was one of my chickens. I love all of my animals equally, but the chickens have a special place in my heart.
Omg I'm so sorry about that!! How terrible.

Thank you. At least I know what happened to her, and at least a fox didn't take her (we have a den behind our garage.)
Still in shock about this, but my beautiful hen, Buttercup, has passed away this afternoon. She got her head caught in the fence, and before I could get outside, she snapped her neck and died. I found her outside in her dustbathing spot, and she looked like she was asleep. After confirming she was actually dead and not unconscious, we buried her under her favorite tree. Rest in peace, Buttercup.
Oh NO PBGGG! I haven't been on here in awhile and I'm so sorry to be logging in to see your sad news. I'm truly sorry! Losing our babies just tears at our hearts.

I always say: "When we lose one of our "kids". There is a child in Heaven needing a buddy to sit on their lap and to cuddle with!" It helps me to ease the pain I'm feeling over their loss.

Oh NO PBGGG! I haven't been on here in awhile and I'm so sorry to be logging in to see your sad news. I'm truly sorry! Losing our babies just tears at our hearts.

I always say: "When we lose one of our "kids". There is a child in Heaven needing a buddy to sit on their lap and to cuddle with!" It helps me to ease the pain I'm feeling over their loss.

Aww, that is so sweet! Thanks for the lovely words, everyone. I knew this would happen sometime, but I didn't know it was happen so soon. I hate these freak accidents.
It's hard to forget about our precious hens or roosters that die. I'm still sad over mine.

I remember the name Buttercup but can't remember what breed she was.

My friend lost her Ameraucana roo because he got his neck stuck and just would need to back out to get unstuck. But he panicked and wrung his neck. Those Ameraucanas are so hyper as I can attest to my Ameraucana girl. Sometimes she is so intense on foraging that she gets surprised and yelps at a noise or if something comes up behind or over her. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body and has the sweetest personality but she is a kooky spooky klutzy jittery skittish jumpy girl and I worry she'll injure herself.
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