people with house chickens

This is my son and his friend watching TV together on a cold, wintry day today. She comes in quite often for a snuggle, doesn't seem to mind being cosied up in the warmth at all, lol

I can't help but feeling that I'm being attacked. :/

I wish you guys could meet my cat - one is an absolute moron, the other is afraid of his own shadow. They're both very, very sweet animals - Stupicabra, the one that was attacked by a raccoon, never went after a thing in his life. He doesn't even chase cat toys - maybe it's because he can't see out of one eye and has no depth perception. :p The other just never bothered. They also wear soft-paws, so who knows.

I guess you guys must think I'm terrible for even chancing it. I'm building an indoor closure for the duckies, but I still dream of a happy home with my motley zoo snuggling me to sleep each night.

I've a Beagle whose best bud was a Holland Lop rabbit (they even slept together in the same dog bed on the deck) and they remained such up until the Lop died of old age, had a Shepherd mix (I got her from animal shelter as a pup) that adopted three orphan opossums, and a pet raccoon (rescued as a baby after coon hounds killed the mother) that was raised around chickens and yet never bothered them (although I didn't leave them alone together unsupervised....why tempt fate). Some of the best friends in the world are the most unlikely duos. You know your animals better than anyone, and if you think they would get along, I say try it. And if turns out that they do, then wonderful! But just be prepared to accept it if it doesn't. Friendships like that have to come naturally to both. It cannot be forced, no matter how much we would wish otherwise, else the end results could be disastrous. I wish you the best of luck.
I agree with OzarkCountryGirl that you know your animals and what their temperament is. I think sometimes people feel VERY passionate about their opinions(being personality or life experience) and it can come across as harsh ! I do think most people on this site have good intentions in helping people who are asking for advice
If you think mixing your animals would work, then I say try it slowly with caution and see how it goes. Let us know how their friendship comes alongs and some pics would be GREAT
This is my son and his friend watching TV together on a cold, wintry day today. She comes in quite often for a snuggle, doesn't seem to mind being cosied up in the warmth at all, lol

Adorable! And yes.....they never seem to mind the coziness of the house. Our chicken has a particular spot on the edge of our couch that she loves to chill on at the end of the day!
My hen, Blu, wants to be a house pet I think! Whenever I leave the back door open she comes running in, and she loves jumping on the couch and sitting on my lap.
My hen, Blu, wants to be a house pet I think! Whenever I leave the back door open she comes running in, and she loves jumping on the couch and sitting on my lap.
YEP....true sign of a chicken house pet is the desire to be on the couch sitting on your lap
our girl will come looking for us wherever we are and loves perching on our legs and getting a good rub
YEP....true sign of a chicken house pet is the desire to be on the couch sitting on your lap
our girl will come looking for us wherever we are and loves perching on our legs and getting a good rub
The other day I accidentally hit her with the broom while sweeping (she followed me into the house) I picked her up, sat on the porch swing and she fell asleep in my arms for about 10 minutes! Whenever she comes inside she just loves it, except for the dogs haha. They really wont hurt her, they just wanna check her out but she is scared of them!
Wow, I am kinda freaking out right now. I was talking to Blu's old owner, and she said Blu was SEVEN years old, not three!!! I can't believe she is so old and has been laying almost every day!!
I have a house chicken that is an EE. When she was a little chick her mother stepped on her and then didn't want her anymore as she couldn't walk. I took her in but I really thought she wouldn't make it. Now she is very strong and even went broody and now she has her own chicks.

Ever since she has hatched her chicks she sleeps on a little blanket in my bed so that I just have to chuck the poo-poo out in the morning. Beforehand she used to sleep on my bookcase in a box;)
She really is enjoying it now that she has chicks and I am too!!!!

Hi ChickyChickens, I love your username!
I saw this picture and I was wondering; what breed is that hen? She is beautiful! She looks almost like a Speckled Sussex version of my Ebony.

This is Ebony

Edited to add:
I just saw that you said she is an EE. To me she doesn't really look like an EE, but instead more of a Speckled Sussex- silkie cross.
Ebony is a cochin- silkie cross.
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