people with house chickens

I didn't know it'd be different at all. :p My problem isn't even the duck diapers themselves, but the mini duckling versions. They're tiny! I didn't see anything useful on youtube but if you found a good one I'd be very grateful if you linked it here!

The only photos I've seen are of chick diapers - no videos. They say it's difficult to put diapers on chicks until they sprout some sturdy tail feathers. With ducklings I have not seen video or photos yet. It may be the same thing - have to wait until they sprout some sturdy tail feathers before the diapers stay in place.
The only photos I've seen are of chick diapers - no videos. They say it's difficult to put diapers on chicks until they sprout some sturdy tail feathers. With ducklings I have not seen video or photos yet. It may be the same thing - have to wait until they sprout some sturdy tail feathers before the diapers stay in place.

It's definitely meant for week-old 'lings straight out of the brooder. It's barely bigger than my fist! Welp, guess I'm on my own...if I figure it out I'll hafta write an article here on how to do it for any other future house fowl owners!
It's definitely meant for week-old 'lings straight out of the brooder. It's barely bigger than my fist! Welp, guess I'm on my own...if I figure it out I'll hafta write an article here on how to do it for any other future house fowl owners!

3 years ago I needed chicken diapers and the only video was chickenmom on youtube and to this day still using her pattern for making them with my own little twists for Silkies. Now there are videos galore.

It'll take a while for pet duck products to get going too. 3 years ago there were hardly any duck or goose videos either and they are starting to pop up now.

Go in the BYC Search bar and type in duck diapers and see if any of those threads are helpful - there seems to be a few threads on the subject.
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Above photo....

She is just adorable!!
Meet little Lucky!!! She is just gorgeous. There was more to the story of this lil girl. We think her Mum had a heart attack or similar as we found her sitting on the lawn untouched early hours of the morning. Panic hit as the baby wasn't with her. Found her upside down, stiff as a board with the cold under the ramp to their coop. She had hit her head on the way down and her eye was full of blood. She was gone, but a quick little heart rub brought her back (I'm a nurse) and now, we have "lucky"..... The luckiest lil Silkie in the world. She loves to hang out with her Silkie friends during the days, but come sun down and she heads for the door and knocks with her beak. Mind you, I am an animal nut and also have a galah who is 8 maths old that was hit by a car when he fell out of his nest. He shouldn't have survived either but some bandaging and talc and "Billie" rules the house. Can't fly and has a deformed leg, but he is happy and healthy. A dwarf alpaca, two pound rescued kelpies that we're going to be shot for liking the sheep and a big brute of a male cat called John that I got from shelter. He had never had a home and was 41/2 yr old. He is my big sook. Add in two very spoilt black sheep and a myriad of chickens of all sorts and there you have me. Home is the best place on earth!!

So about a month ago I had to rehome my three roosters bc I'm not allowed to have any. Very hard for me to do bc I raised them since babies. I do plan on getting two hens soon. I miss having chickens around.
Yup. He rules the whole property! He hasn't fought with the neighbors rooster in a while, he did chase him away today but that's fine.

LOL that's funny. Atleast he's scared of Finn. Roosters just have that natural instinct to protect.

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