people with house chickens house chicken is a food snob too! She hates her beak to be messy in anyway and will not eat anything that is wet
I read how chickens are supposed to like yogurt, oatmeal ect...not mine! Messy= not edible to her..LOL! Even if she shows interest, she looks at it and walks the other way, then scratches on the floor to hint for a different treat
I do love her...picky attitude and all!!!!

If our hens looks like they are having difficulty getting their food down their gullet (over-eating) we offer them a tablespoon of yogurt to help with their digestion. Greek yogurt is higher in protein than regular yogurts located in the Dairy aisle. Hens love protein so we offer it often - sometimes they love it and other times only a few hens will go for it - all depends on what each hen's nutritional cravings are.
Anybody ever keep modern game or cornish inside? I have such a soft spot for them but I know every breed is different when it comes to flightiness/tameness etc. I've seen them in person at shows and such but never had any hands on experience with them

Originally Posted by Ponyfeather

I have heard of it somewhere. Maybe next time you go to show ask an exhibitor that owns one about them? How friendly they are, etc? I think with the Cornish you'd need to be careful since many of them are breed simply for meat. Which means you'd need to find out where to get the exhibiting kind anyway.

I know can't recall where I heard of it but I know Modern Game are suppose to be really friendly, and I know I have heard of someone keeping a rooster as a house chicken.

The Modern Game have a lot of owners that love them - especially the bantams.

However, the Cornish (or Indian Game as they once were called) are stand-offish and I agree with Ponyfeather that more research should be done about them - I understand they are more on the wilder temperament personality but like any chicken could probably be tamed some. It would just take a bit more work. I think there is fighting game history in their breeding so I personally would not chance mixing them with gentle non-combative breeds like Ameraucana, Araucana, Polish, Silkies, Faverolles, Breda, etc.
If our hens looks like they are having difficulty getting their food down their gullet (over-eating) we offer them a tablespoon of yogurt to help with their digestion. Greek yogurt is higher in protein than regular yogurts located in the Dairy aisle. Hens love protein so we offer it often - sometimes they love it and other times only a few hens will go for it - all depends on what each hen's nutritional cravings are.

I have offered her greek yogurt, she was not big on it at all. It was messy so she is like no I don't want it. My horses like it more then she does! XD But I offer her lots of protein rich things she gets live mealworms regularly we keep for my gecko. I think I might get probiotics I can mix into her water if she keeps snubbing the yogurt.
Do I seem paranoid? Probably, but better IMHO than the alternatives - ignorance/unconcern/nonchalance/apathy.
- Here's hoping the best for your little Silkie and that the vet can help him! Silkies with special care can blossom into fabulous little beauties!

I dont think you are paranoid. The more I read the more feel the same way. My silkie stopped sneezing after three days of being on tylan 1/2cc a day. i still have him/her separated and probably will until i talk to the vet.
he (?) has a pretty bad case of lice. not sure what to do. besides bathing since i dont want to use any powders. maybe a spray.

Pancake has turned into a food snob. She won't eat anything that is wet cooked, and she turned her nose up at a few cheerios but was quiet happy to eat plain uncooked rolled oats.

i would love a list to refer too on what human food a chicken is allowed to have. do you know of a site or thread?

My chickens have gone through many appetite changes. One time they love multi-grain cheerios, next time not so much.
I didnt know you could feed all that to a chicken

I think I might get probiotics I can mix into her water if she keeps snubbing the yogurt.
I use probios for my ducks. it works very well.
I have offered her greek yogurt, she was not big on it at all. It was messy so she is like no I don't want it. My horses like it more then she does! XD But I offer her lots of protein rich things she gets live mealworms regularly we keep for my gecko. I think I might get probiotics I can mix into her water if she keeps snubbing the yogurt.

My hens are always wary about newly introduced foods. Greek yogurt wasn't an instant hit. I had to put a big dab on my finger before they trusted to sample it. Once they got into tasting it some really went for it. My Silkies are a hoot to watch when they eat it. They lick their chops a few times before diving into the yogurt - maybe because of its texture or maybe because it's a bit cold - but all of them now will take at least a couple bites of it if they really are needing it. If any of them is particularly glutonous and having trouble getting food down their gullet (like dry feed or seeds) I offer the Greek yogurt and they must sense that it is a digestive aid because they rarely pass it up. I saw a youtube video where someone fed their chickens the liquid Kefir yogurt in a bowl and they went nuts for it - it's messier than the more solid Greek yogurt so I don't feed Kefir to my bearded/muffed Silkies and Ameraucana so the Kefir doesn't dry hard on their fluffy muffs.
I dont think you are paranoid. The more I read the more feel the same way. My silkie stopped sneezing after three days of being on tylan 1/2cc a day. i still have him/her separated and probably will until i talk to the vet.
he (?) has a pretty bad case of lice. not sure what to do. besides bathing since i dont want to use any powders. maybe a spray.
I use Manna Pro Poultry Protector which is an organic lice/mite spray - used directly on the chickens and in the cracks/crevices of their coop/nestboxes. Directions are on the label and safe to use as often as you need to treat lice. A breeder shipped me 2 juveniles with lice and I used the Poultry Protector and cleared them up in a day but continued treatment for a 2nd day to be sure. When ants were crawling on a broken egg in a nestbox I used the spray on the ants and it immediately immobilized them so I could clean up the mess without ants crawling up my hands!

i would love a list to refer too on what human food a chicken is allowed to have. do you know of a site or thread?
Here's a food site:
Here's a plant site:

Here's a garden site:

I didnt know you could feed all that to a chicken
One thing I hesitate to feed to ANY pet - dogs, cats, chickens, birds - is ONIONS. Garlic diluted in water is okay but onions can cause leukemia-type symptoms in small animals like little dogs and cats so I don't feed onion to any of my pets (chickens). Avocados and chocolate are bad for just about any pet too. One poor sweet lady in India was feeding her chickens rice and onions and couldn't figure why her flock was ill - the rice was alright but the onions were making them ill.

I use probios for my ducks. it works very well.
So many wonderful ways to feed our birds. Whatever works and is good for them is ok by me!

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