people with house chickens

I couldn't agree with you more about chickens having a spirit. It is sickening to be at a conference dinner with hundreds of people sitting down to eat half a bird. Living in GA, I see the trucks loaded with these poor creatures often. I don't object to others eating them. It's just the way we treat them as a commodity/object that has no feelings or function other than to fill our stomachs. Living with chickens and turkeys as well as cats and dogs I know they are individuals with feelings.
I ordered a couple dozen Dominique hatching eggs from Nantahala Farm and hatched Ross August 20 2014.
Ross was a different chicken from the start. He wanted to be cuddled and petted all the time. Didn’t know what sex he was because his legs were black & yellow striped. He went to my cousin’s farm with all the rest when they were old enough. My cousin named him and they were taking him in the house to watch TV with them. They convinced me to bring him home and make him a house chicken because he was special. He sleeps on the sofa back or right beside me. But usually spends the night on his perch without the diaper. He loves Townhouse crackers and gets all excited when he hears the bag crackle. He goes everywhere with me wearing his polka-dot diaper. We just went to see Dover Doug the groundhog make his prediction.
He sits on my shoulder at the drive-through and I fight him for my burger as I drive. He ate a whole slice of pizza during the Super Bowl and washed it down with ½ pint of beer. He gets talkative when he’s drunk. Just crowed for the first time that Sunday.
Never thought I would have chickens let alone a house chicken. It’s been a learning experience, he dreams & talks in his sleep. The same Holy Spirit that inhabits humans lives in this chicken and I can’t help but believe that keeping 6 billion of them in cages till we eat them at 6 months harms that Holy Spirit.

Super Bowl Pizza


I couldn't agree with you more. It is sickening to be at a conference dinner with hundreds of people sitting down to eat half a bird. Living in GA, I see the trucks loaded with these poor creatures often. I don't object to others eating them. It's just the way we treat them as a commodity/object that has no feelings or function other than to fill our stomachs. Living with chickens and turkeys as well as cats and dogs I know they are individuals with feelings.
Hello Everyone,

I have a house chicken named Gabby. I love her dearly. I have come to relieze that there are "others" out there too. I was thinking that we needed a place to chat. A place that is safe, where we won't be judged that our chickens are sitting on the couch with us eating grapes and NOT wearing a diaper. If you believe like I do, that every chicken deserves the right to life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, even if it's curled up next to the fireplace on a stormy night, or sunbathing on the patio with the dogs, or maybe napping on the bed with the cats. Well, this might just be the place for you. So welcome....


your chicken every day


someone who hugs chickens
I almost thought I was the only one who had a chicken in there house. My family thinks I'm crazy and I never wanted any kind of bird, but I couldn't imagine life without her. She's so sweet and comes when called and I love her dearly.
I almost thought I was the only one who had a chicken in there house. My family thinks I'm crazy and I never wanted any kind of bird, but I couldn't imagine life without her. She's so sweet and comes when called and I love her dearly.

Welcome to Backyard Chickens Kris
I was 55 and my only interaction with chickens was being chased by headless ones at the neighbors farm when I was very young.
Then I met a flock of real multi generational with parents and grandparents which had a sweet rich language as complex as any parrot. A hen jumped up in my van, looked me in the eye and started pointing at things asking questions. I could almost understand what she was saying and thought I was crazy. That's how it is, this whole chicken thing just snowballs as people meet others chickens.
I almost thought I was the only one who had a chicken in there house. My family thinks I'm crazy and I never wanted any kind of bird, but I couldn't imagine life without her. She's so sweet and comes when called and I love her dearly.

I love the reaction from people when we tell them not only that we have chickens but that they are free to come into the kitchen or stay in the house if they are recuperating from being sick. Just the fact that we have pet chickens at all fascinates people!
I know this may be a crazy thing to ask but do you think any of you lovely people would consider temporary care/foster of another pet chicken? If I end up having to go to school somewhere away from my mothers house ( where me and Radbird are currently living) I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep rad with me, I could have her live out on my aunts property but her care would be minimal and she would get no attention.. And it would absolutely break my heart to make her live like that. She thrives of human companionship and gets very depressed when she goes without attention for very long. It's looking very far in the future but I just feel like I need to be prepared if push comes to shove.. I could of course still pay "chicken support" and just wanted to know if there are any folks out there who would even consider it..
I love the reaction from people when we tell them not only that we have chickens but that they are free to come into the kitchen or stay in the house if they are recuperating from being sick. Just the fact that we have pet chickens at all fascinates people!
Hi Sylvester! :)

We are known as the Chicken ppl all over our state! Comes with the territory!
I'm always apologizing to ppl on the phone too. Our large Marran rooster is in a
crate directly behind me. It never fails whenever I get on the phone he starts
crowing! LOL They think it's fascinating when I get done telling them the
house chickens story!

I look at it this way! We chicken folks will eventually get the non-chicken ppl
trained in the ways of chickens.

I know this may be a crazy thing to ask but do you think any of you lovely people would consider temporary care/foster of another pet chicken? If I end up having to go to school somewhere away from my mothers house ( where me and Radbird are currently living) I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep rad with me, I could have her live out on my aunts property but her care would be minimal and she would get no attention.. And it would absolutely break my heart to make her live like that. She thrives of human companionship and gets very depressed when she goes without attention for very long. It's looking very far in the future but I just feel like I need to be prepared if push comes to shove.. I could of course still pay "chicken support" and just wanted to know if there are any folks out there who would even consider it..

A chicken that has primarily been a house chicken would not do well in an open outdoor environment unless she was in a group of other hens and then she would have to be carefully and slowly integrated into the flock through a fenced environment at first. She would pick up learning how to forage and what to eat from the other hens. I recommend putting her in an Ameraucana flock (or maybe an Easter Egger group) since Amers are accepting of orphaned chicks, injured, or new birds into their flock where other breeds are not so willing. Amers are non-combative and quite nurturing towards other breeds. I hope when the time comes you can find a caring chicken-sitter for Rad!
I know this may be a crazy thing to ask but do you think any of you lovely people would consider temporary care/foster of another pet chicken? If I end up having to go to school somewhere away from my mothers house ( where me and Radbird are currently living) I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep rad with me, I could have her live out on my aunts property but her care would be minimal and she would get no attention.. And it would absolutely break my heart to make her live like that. She thrives of human companionship and gets very depressed when she goes without attention for very long. It's looking very far in the future but I just feel like I need to be prepared if push comes to shove.. I could of course still pay "chicken support" and just wanted to know if there are any folks out there who would even consider it..
Oh My! Is Rad a large hen?

Hi Sylvester! :)

We are known as the Chicken ppl all over our state! Comes with the territory!
I'm always apologizing to ppl on the phone too. Our large Marran rooster is in a
crate directly behind me. It never fails whenever I get on the phone he starts
crowing! LOL They think it's fascinating when I get done telling them the
house chickens story!

I look at it this way! We chicken folks will eventually get the non-chicken ppl
trained in the ways of chickens.


What's really fun and nice is to come across another chicken person. I ran into a woman at a checkstand line and we chatted for 10 minutes about our backyard hens while others around us were either puzzled or totally into our conversation about what we do with our "pet" chickens. Our escrow representative reminisced about the time her mom found and raised a bantam for 5 years before it peacefully passed on. There are a growing number of chicken ppl out there!

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