people with house chickens

Our temporary house chicken - a juvenile Cuckoo Breda (breed has no comb only a triangle tassle crest but has vulture hocks and feathered toes) - very docile bird. She will eventually grow wattles too.

Shes adorable

ours didn't know what to do when we took them outside.

Yeah. I'm torn between letting them stay in the house, and making them a small coop outside. I just feel like they might enjoy outdoor living more than being inside. LOL

I selfishly would love keeping a permanent house chicken as I've had a couple that would be excellent sweeties indoors -- but they are happier outdoors scratching, foraging, and dust-bathing. I would keep a disabled chicken indoors (as long as their overall health is good). I know someone who keeps a wing amputee Breda indoors as a house chicken because the hen can't get up if she falls on her missing wing side. She is in excellent health otherwise -- but would be at a disadvantage in a regular flock.
Ok my 7 mo old frizzle has not produced any eggs she lives in the house with 3 dogs follows me everplace happy is offered show bird crumble a bathe in sand and dirt chicken scratch and overcoming a addiction to roast sunflower seeds should I take her to the vet? She seems happy has plenty of quite places to go if needed.
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I selfishly would love keeping a permanent house chicken as I've had a couple that would be excellent sweeties indoors -- but they are happier outdoors scratching, foraging, and dust-bathing. I would keep a disabled chicken indoors (as long as their overall health is good). I know someone who keeps a wing amputee Breda indoors as a house chicken because the hen can't get up if she falls on her missing wing side. She is in excellent health otherwise -- but would be at a disadvantage in a regular flock.
Yep. Well, we will see, I'm making a silkie pen, so I could move them to it eventually. I don't mind having them "visit" you know what I mean? I'm just not sure how I feel about fulltime
I wanted to stop by to let all those that have read my stories know our Precious indoor little Maria passed away on Labor Day! :( We had her for six years! She was a daddy's girl! He made her a wooden box for a coffin. Then he took one of her baby blankets and wrapped her up in it. Then he placed her in her little wooden box! I didn't think he was going to be able to nail it shut. He just stood there with hammer and nail in his hand. He was crying so hard I started crying again! After he managed to get her coffin nailed shut, he picked the box up and held it in his arm like he always used to do carrying Maria! He took her into the house and then got the tractor and dug her grave. After the hole was dug he came inside, got the box and told me to come on. He placed the coffin so gently into the grave and then just stood there holding the shovel. After several attempts, he finally got her covered up. My husband always called Maria his little girl! I tried so hard to save her! I told him I was sorry I couldn't save her this time. He broke down and just lost it! He doesn't blame me for her death and he knows I went above and beyond trying to save her! It all happened so fast! She stopped eating. She was passing really foul smelling poops. I think she ate a dead slimy worm while outside. Her face smelled like one. I was washing her booty in the sink and I felt something wet on my arm. When I looked where her head was at? I saw she had puked up some of the baby parrot food I had fed her. Then she started throwing up everything. I gave her a little water to get the stuff out of her mouth and throat, then wrapped her in her blankie. She dribbled small amounts of stuff out of her mouth for hours after that. At 6:30 AM Monday morning last week? She passed! I had been telling my story to PPL on FB and an Angel amongst them told me she was sending us a runt Silkie baby! Ummmmm WHAT? Maria was a runt too. And I knew it would be hard to find another so I wasn't even trying! Then this Angel sends us a four day old runt with her bigger sister. This little runt is no bigger than my husbands thumb! Tiny tiny little babe. He picks her up and holds her close while tears run down his cheeks! She snuggles under his bearded chin and starts talking to her new daddy! As one little runt that depended on us so much leaves us? Another little runt comes into our lives! The other babe will/is going to be my little girl! They both will be indoor girls!
I could not stop crying omg so sorry but so glad you were touched by a Angel
Yep. Well, we will see, I'm making a silkie pen, so I could move them to it eventually. I don't mind having them "visit" you know what I mean? I'm just not sure how I feel about fulltime

The "visits" are fun. They come to our sliding door and talk through the glass. If we want them inside we slide open the door for a brief time:

Ok my 7 mo old frizzle has not produced any eggs she lives in the house with 3 dogs follows me everplace happy is offered show bird crumble a bathe in sand and dirt chicken scratch and overcoming a addiction to roast sunflower seeds should I take her to the vet? She seems happy has plenty of quite places to go if needed.

I've got a 7 month old indoor cochin bantam who still isn't laying. Her sister is but she's not. They will go and live at my Mums once she's got their outdoor cage modified but they are happy indoors for now. Our property is ankle deep in mud at the moment (we are having a very wet spring) so with their heavily feathered feet I'd rather they were indoors.
​I've got a 7 month old indoor cochin bantam who still isn't laying.  Her sister is but she's not.  They will go and live at my Mums once she's got their outdoor cage modified but they are happy indoors for now.  Our property is ankle deep in mud at the moment (we are having a very wet spring) so with their heavily feathered feet I'd rather they were indoors. 

Well that makes me feel better thank you also I am embarrassed about this but my girl has to be covered up at night with a night gown tentws over her think it reminds her of being under feathers or have i simply messed her up that bad lol

She is under there from 630pm till am

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