people with house chickens

You must be right not like I felt bad enough as it was she has to go act like that well her new friend has made things much better this is going to be there hen house
Proud sleeper-with-chicken, here.

Sadie, by the by?

Is a boy! Found out last night.

About 13-15 weeks; was headed for stew pot; injured; rescue. 1st chicken, ever. Few weeks.

Here, please have a Cohiba, on me!


I'm making a splint tonight: FIRST time ever. Has anyone done this?

Has anyone ever dealt with curly toe or possible gout?

LONG Backstory; please don't assume anything, but I WOULD love help.

Thank you,

Well about time after going through two other want to be friends for my Spazy frizzle that ended up being roo's I finally found a match let me introduce you to Chossy Jade she is a pet quality show girl meaning she doest have the bare neck she it brilliant white and will snuggle up to you like a puppy just rubs her little head into your face and head just so lovable Spazy however did peak at her for first couple days but seems to have backed off today fingers crossed. But she is to pretty not to share.
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I think anyone who makes a derogatory comment on what you do in your personal home should go take a flying leap. Some people, whom I would never trust in the first place, have problems with dogs in the house, especially sitting on the furniture, or dislike cats because of the kitty litter them, I love the saying....something to the effect....the dog/cat lives here, you don't, if you don't like it....don't visit or come around here...!!!!.....lucky chickens, to be loved that much..!
I think anyone who makes a derogatory comment on what you do in your personal home should go take a flying leap. Some people, whom I would never trust in the first place, have problems with dogs in the house, especially sitting on the furniture, or dislike cats because of the kitty litter them, I love the saying....something to the effect....the dog/cat lives here, you don't, if you don't like it....don't visit or come around here...!!!!.....lucky chickens, to be loved that much..!

Well said my two sleep in my bed and my husband does not hell would love to know what they say about that lmao I have towels put down and a 100.00 pillow one uses. Hahaha I LOVE MY two BABIES. the three dogs know not to get on my bed at night. That is ours.
Well about time after going through two other want to be friends for my Spazy frizzle that ended up being roo's I finally found a match let me introduce you to Chossy Jade she is a pet quality show girl meaning she doest have the bare neck she it brilliant white and will snuggle up to you like a puppy just rubs her little head into your face and head just so lovable Spazy however did peak at her for first couple days but seems to have backed off today fingers crossed. But she is to pretty not to share.
She is gorgeous! I can see why you love her.
It sounds like this girl has gone through a lot of stress losing her friend. Now you want to stress her more sticking a feed tube down her throat? I say spend more time with her and give her treats she loves and help her gain weight. Get rid of the expensive carpeting and the husband, or find her a new home that will comfort her and give her what she needs even if that is another chicken friend.
My house chicken Peep
Totally in love with her for 3 years now! She has her favorite spot on the couch to snuggle down and nap
And a favorite corner on our rug! She gets outside time serval times a day and just walks in the door when she is all done..LOL!
Spoiled rotten...YES!!!!

Ours girls aren't completely all-house chickens but they DO come in if they see the door open:


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