people with house chickens

Got 4 little cheepers now! Moved the eggs into an incubator as the hen wasn't keeping the humidity and kept getting off the nest to eat and drink, (She was never interested in doing so before, just now.) so we needed to assist another hatch due to the membrane drying out and going brown (I have been reading pretty much everything on BYC regarding assistance as well as watching vids on YT.) The 4th baby was hatched in the incubator and left me and my dad scratching our heads as the egg wasn't even pipped or peeping when we put it in, but we awoke to a chick in there.

The 4th baby is also more confusing in it is a grey-silver colour with dark grey spots and pink toes on normal grey silkie legs. I asked my dad if he snuck some eggs from Ebay in there but he said no. So... My hen and roo either have very weird genes, or the hen was kept with multiple roosters before we got her and her mate. My dad is hoping if the others hatch, that we'll get a black chick next. XD

Edit: Here is the pink toed chick.

And here's all 4 together, one is kinda having a wonky phase the white one did, but the white one started walking normally after 2 days.

Just got a 5th chick... I may be swimming in baby birds soon with getting a chick a day. The incubator is working well as it hatched 2 chicks without issue so far, no need for my meddling unlike the hen. 2 of the 3 eggs that hatched when under the hen needed me to assist them due to humidity issues (Dry membrane and shrinkwrapping,) which is why I put them in the incubator. XD

I was concerned as it looked like the egg didn't have a proper pip hole when I last looked yesterday and today, just a few small cracks in the egg and heard no peeps, but I kept my hands off the incubator and egg. I went upstairs to refill the finch mix bag for my doves and quails, which is the same room with the incubator... I then heard peeping and looked at the incubator at just the right moment to see the chick burst out of the egg!

Also currently weaning the hen off the nest, as even though there's no eggs in it, she still wants to sit in it. Thankfully the rooster is helping keep her distracted with food and such so she doesn't start freaking out, and the weather is nice so they can be outside.
Awww...outside adventures
All my eggs are set!!!! Thanks for the well wishes
Can't wait for them to hatch!!!!
I know the feeling XD It is like waiting for Christmas! Also I recorded some vids of my babies being silly. I know the brooder is small, but they really only spend the nights in it as I have them out 99% of the time. I am getting a bigger container for them though to use as a brooder.


I know the feeling XD It is like waiting for Christmas! Also I recorded some vids of my babies being silly. I know the brooder is small, but they really only spend the nights in it as I have them out 99% of the time. I am getting a bigger container for them though to use as a brooder. cute!
I have a little extension run that I attach to my brooder when they get a bit bigger so they can run around!
Well looks like I inadvertently got a house chicken by only having one baby from shipped eggs. I don't know if it's a roo or a hen but it's name is Lucky Fluffy lol. The baby has bonded with myself and female Neapolitan Mastiff. Its sure a friendly little booger. ( Swedish Flower Hen)
Well looks like I inadvertently got a house chicken by only having one baby from shipped eggs. I don't know if it's a roo or a hen but it's name is Lucky Fluffy lol. The baby has bonded with myself and female Neapolitan Mastiff. Its sure a friendly little booger. ( Swedish Flower Hen)

Awwww...congrats!!!! yes, you and your Mastiff are now Lucky Fluffys flock
House chickens do make great pets and are so much fun!!! Post a pic when you get a chance

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