perch for baby chicks?

When mine were about a week old I got a branch from a tree that was only about 1/2 inch in diameter. I used small finishing nails to attach it to 2 small pieces of 2X4 so it sat 2" off the floor. A week later I got a long branch about 2.5" in diameter and attached it to the 2 pieces so it was 4" high. At first I buried the stands a little but, within a few days I moved it to sitting on top of the shavings. I now have that same branch in the coop set on top of 2 logs about 16" high for them. They love to "play" and rest up there but, they still sleep in a pile.
Mine like to perch right away but the perch was to wobble for them mainly because one of our Orpingtons has chicken ADD.

I ended up using bricks as perches in the brooder because they don't wobble are easy to rearrange as needed and are easy to clean. At first all six chicks fit on two bricks, now we are up to four, so yesterday I changed the bricks out for 30" 2x4 about 6" off the floor. I left one brick and it's occupied every time I check, I think it's because brick holds the heat so well.
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Thank you so much for sharing!! I will have to get started very soon for my babies! Our Adult perch is actually on a hinge so that we can lift it up and hook to the ceiling to clean the coop!
I Love getting new ideas.
My husband made a feeder out of a big plastic Halloween tub and a 5 gallon lidded bucket. The things we do for our birds!
Nice to "meet" you. :)
we put a perch in our brooder after about a week, and they love it. They are 24 days old now, here is picture of all 5 sitting on the perch this morning!

we started will a small stick wedged between some rocks ( they loved the rocks too) and have recently graduated to a bigger stick wedged in the corner of the brooder.
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