perch height to prevent bumble foot??


8 Years
Nov 16, 2011
Quebec, Canada
Hi there...

I have a small coop(4 ft X 4ft plus a good sized run) and house 4 laying hens in it...In the coop there are 2 perches at the same height, at 3 ft off the floor, that way the perches are not taking any floor space...I need it to be as spacious as possible because in the winter they spend quite alot of time in there. The chicks have no problem flying on the roost at night, now I am wondering if at 3 ft off the floor, jumping off the roost every morning, they could get bumble foot from the impact of that jump? The roosts are smooth (I sanded them and rounded the edges a bit).

My chickens are 1 barred rock, 2 dual purpose mix average size and 1 jersey giant (not so giant, I don't think she's the real deal hehe).

If you all think it's too high I will build a ladder style perch with 3 in wide planks so they can climb up and down to the highest perch and make it easier for them. I guess they would still have the space behind the ladder to walk around on rainy or snowy days.

Thanks :)
Two of my large bodied hens got bumblefoot from a four-foot roost. They had a ladder to get up but jumped off onto a sand run. I have since lowered the roost to 18 inches and all is well. There are many excellent posts about bumblefoot on this site.

Here is our story:
Bumblefoot in Chickens

Thanks alot for your reply, it just confirmed to me that I have to lower their perch or make a ladder with large ''steps'' so they dont fly off the whole thing. I dont want them to get injured even though they seem to love perching high....thanks!!

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