Perseverance and Hope - A continuing story


7 Years
Jul 2, 2016
central Virginia
So I wanted to post this story hoping it would help others in my same situation keep on hoping and persevering. I let a broody hen sit 10 eggs that I got in the mail. In the end, 3 hatched OK and one more was shrink-wrapped. After an assisted hatch, I had a weak, damp blob of dark down. I put her away from her "family" with a heat lamp and not high expectations. The next morning she was still and rather lifeless looking, and I feared the worst but when I picked her up, she peeped loudly and wiggled a bit. Day 2 - hobbled legs for support and she could raise her head a little but not move. Getting Poly-vi-sol twice a day, 2-3 drops. Day 3 - still hobbled and can use wings to get around a little. Head is fully up. Day 4 - hobbles are off and she's back in with mom but I notice she seems to be blind. Only wants to be under mom, will not eat or drink on her own but eats a little gruel (scrambled egg, chick food, yoghurt, kefir and water) from a syringe. Day 5 - walking on hocks but pretty mobile. Feeding and watering via syringe 3 times per day. Day 6 - walking mostly upright but still not eating or drinking on her own. Day 7 - today, she is fully upright and walking really well, AND she is actually pecking at the ground (mostly getting her toes) and ate gruel off my fingers. Seems hungry and less anxious to just hide under mom. I think she maybe can see shadows but not much else. I was able to keep providing her the right food, care, and knew what to expect from reading other stories here on BYC. It's been slow but steady progress and now that it seems she can eat on her own I am hopeful she will start to grow. I will have a blind special needs chicken (God I hope it's a hen) but that's OK. I have a safe place she can live out her years, if we keep going on this same track.
So, good luck to all the chicken moms and dads out there. Remember, chickens are tough! Where there's life, there's hope!

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