Persistent broody


In the Brooder
Jan 29, 2017
Sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place. I have a chicken who has been broody for three weeks. I tried dipping her into cold water and setting ice under her, I've taken her out of the nest box everyday and she gets on fine whilst she's ranging, for hours at a time, but then goes straight back in when she's let. I've tried taking the bedding out. I'm hesitant to take her into a broody cage because there are only two of them and I worry Battenberg will suffer if Madeira is separated from her. Is there anything else I should try? If there any chance she will snap out of it herself? I was hoping she would get to the 21 day mark and snap out of it. I was not expecting this as she is a hybrid! Any suggestions would be great.
Sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place. I have a chicken who has been broody for three weeks. I tried dipping her into cold water and setting ice under her, I've taken her out of the nest box everyday and she gets on fine whilst she's ranging, for hours at a time, but then goes straight back in when she's let. I've tried taking the bedding out. I'm hesitant to take her into a broody cage because there are only two of them and I worry Battenberg will suffer if Madeira is separated from her. Is there anything else I should try? If there any chance she will snap out of it herself? I was hoping she would get to the 21 day mark and snap out of it. I was not expecting this as she is a hybrid! Any suggestions would be great.
Separating them will hurt you more than them---they would be fine. A broody breaker cage is the way to go. If you do not want them separated put both of them in the broody breaker cage. If you want the Cage to work----you can not feel sorry for her and be letting her out for periods of time. 3 days(72hrs min) is usually all it takes.
Separating them will hurt you more than them---they would be fine. A broody breaker cage is the way to go. If you do not want them separated put both of them in the broody breaker cage. If you want the Cage to work----you can not feel sorry for her and be letting her out for periods of time. 3 days(72hrs min) is usually all it takes.
Thanks for your advice, I put her in the broody cage for 4 days and she seems much better. The broody was near the coop but now they're back in the coop together there is quite a bit of squabbles going on. They used to get on Well, will this resolve?
The broody is probably still a little crabby from hormones. I have broke some in 3 days, some in 5, but a very persistent broody may take even longer. My best luck is using a large pen with a dirt or grass floor, and a roost, but no bedding. I throw out some chopped egg and scratch throughout the day to keep them busy, and they have feed and water available. Putting the other hen in the same broody breaking coop is fine--I have accidentally put one in there who was stilling laying an occasional egg, so they will lay even without a nest.

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