Pest control in/around a laying flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
I cleaned out my coop yesterday with the help of my 4-yr-old daughter. She stood outside the coop while I shoveled shavings into a wheel-barrow. Afterwards, her legs were COVERED in some kind of bug bites. I got none. Now that I think about it though I was wearing rubber boots and she was in flip flops... Anyway, I'm assuming mites or fleas?? I put Seven & DE in with the shavings in the coop, but she was outside the coop. Perhaps these bugs are living in the dirt around it? I have dogs that are not treated for and do not have fleas so I don't think there are fleas in my yard, but my dogs aren't near the coop. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'd suspect lice or mites. I'd look the birds over very well, especially around the vent and under wings. Seeing nothing, then go into the coop in the middle of the night with a bright light, some help and do the same thing - could be roost mites that come out at night.
Flip flops probably not a good idea when mucking out the coop.
Dust masks are imperative for the job as well.
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She wasn't in the coop or the shavings at all, so I didn't worry about her footwear. That's also why I was so confused by all the bites!

Does it matter what bug it is, or are all mites treated the same? Is the Seven/DE combo still the way to go?
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