:O I'd love for you draw a picture of my Pekin rooster! He's my little baby, I love him to bits!

:O I'd love for you draw a picture of my Pekin rooster! He's my little baby, I love him to bits!

o i will try him out.. just remember i am not a pro...... LOL *getting paper and pencil* nvm my sister wont let me. :pLOL tsk. tsk tsk ... sisters. i gotta go shut this computer down. i promise I will try again later.. the reason my sister wont let me is because she wants a turn.. o well. :(
For fleas soak her in a bath with hot water (not too hot though; if you stick your elbow in and it feels comfortable that's good) and A LOT o Dawn dish soap. Make sure it's Dawn too, nothing works quite as well. Make her stay in the water for like 10 minutes then scrub her really good.
does it reli work? i mean the vet gave us some special treatment ...some herbal shampoo.. but she still has it... i will tell my mom. have you tried the dawn sope remedie?
Yeah, my Nana's corgi had fleas horribly, and it cleaned him right up. :) Get it really sudsy, because the bubbles will strangle the fleas. Our cats had them really bad too, and it worked. When our house was infected (it was soo gross!
We had a lot of brick and stone, and they just got right in the cracks and were so hard to kill) we used a mix of patchouli essential oil, borax and baking soda, brushed it in all the cracks and in the carpet, let it sit for a week, then vacuumed and miraculously NO FLEAS!

If you have a chicken with bad lice a bit of Dawn will help too. But don't let them be bathed in Dawn to much because it strips the oils in their feathers/fur/skin. :)

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