Pet Peeves

One the winter, people wearing shorts & sandals...with socks.
Big parka, bundled up from the waist up, but bare legs & summer sandals...with goofy socks?
Surprisingly, I see it often...I guess I missed that fashion tip when it came out.
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Those toilet paper dispensers that only give you one sheet at a time, hate em'
Omg yes!!!

I just take the roll off of that dispenser, if possible. The ones like giant "cases" with the rolls inside...they really suck though.
Plus they mount them too low. The damn toilet paper comes out one little square at a time underneath, about about 1' from the floor, So you can't even see how much toilet paper is actually in the damn thing.

Btw, Anybody remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine is in the bathroom asking if the lady next to her can spare a square? 😆 🤣 😂
I am that person who wears socks with sandals. Can't find shoes that fit my foot which has a narrow heel and a wide toe. Diabetic, so can't afford to get my toes squished, could end in amputation. Socks keep my feet warm and the sandals clean. I don't wear shorts though. If you have a problem with my footwear, that says more about you than about me. 😉
I am that person who wears socks with sandals. Can't find shoes that fit my foot which has a narrow heel and a wide toe. Diabetic, so can't afford to get my toes squished, could end in amputation. Socks keep my feet warm and the sandals clean. I don't wear shorts though. If you have a problem with my footwear, that says more about you than about me. 😉
Awww so sorry!!! I mean no disrespect or offense, just trying to contribute.
It's usually these young dudes doing it around here & even crazier, they often drive motorcycles & mopeds...which reminds me of another that makes me cringe...improper motorcycle attire. Road rash on bare skin...yikes.
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