Pet turkeys whta breed would be the best??

All heritage breeds are the same, there's not one nicer or better than the other. Like RAREROO said, if you spend a lot of time with any of them you'll make a pet out of them. Even if you dont, they'll still be fairly docile.
SO, you just need to see which one looks better to you and go from there, you wont go wrong, even my 3 strains of wilds will eat out of your hand....
I have a Broad Brested Chocolate hen that is the sweetest thing ever...

I have a standard bronze tom that is just horrible...mean as all get out and we have hand raised him since he was a poult...
I would have to go with Narragansett
Will the blue slates stay close to home? How big are they when hatched? I am considering the same, just as pets & want the best for a West MI climate, winter being cold & windy here along the big lake. Can you raise the poults in a huge horse water tank & for how long? Thanks!!
I have a bronze breasted tom. He's a big baby. I love the colors on him and the way he can change the colors on his face from minute to minute.

We do not raise Blue Slates but all of our heritage breeds stay around the house. Poults are not very big when hatched. They are a little bigger that golf ball size. Turkeys do are hardy when fully feathered. We do raise poults in huge tanks. We attach heat lamp as needed depending on the temperature. We fill the bottom with pine shavings and clean them out often. We also use chicken wire to cover the entire top of the tank and secure with clamps. We don't have an exact time that we will take them out, however when they grow most of the feathers we will then transfer them into a grow pen. Hope this helps!
chickenlittle32, your BB Chocolate is stunning! Is she a cross with something else? I love the splashes of color!
They can all be friendly. the more time you spend with them as poults the better they will be. we have 6 varieties and all are very friendly








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