Pete the Peacock

Yearling Spalding peacock high % green. Like others have said some other birds might have picked his crest feathers off or another possibility is when he was a chick if he was hatched in an incubator it could have burnt the top of his head and made it so he won't grow a crest, although it is probably feather picking. Hopefully the feathers will grow back. One of my peacocks was picked on by my alpha male peacock. The alpha male picked at his crest and he still hasn't grown the parts of his crest that were picked off yet. I think it can take them a little while to grow the crest feathers back and this time of year seems to be the time they are shedding some of their crest feathers (not all at once) and growing new ones so hopefully he will grow them back and by spring he should have some crest feathers.

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