PG 32 to 39 Cindy & Tori's AWESOME! hatch! Plus PICS!!

Dude!!!! Those are Goldens!!!!!

Don't worry. Let them rest. You are doing GREAT! It may take them
a day but they look great. The legs are straight.

You are becoming quite the quail master my son.

(Best Karate Kid impersonation)

i just help another one out that was more than ready to come out he/she couldn't wait to come out...soon i got the head out about 5 minutes later it was out chirping

they have some REALLY big feet

yea the 3 in the pics are doing better they are moving around more and i have more eggs that are pipping so everything seems to be going great at the moment

more pics coming soon
I hate to disagree with PC...since he is like my bro haha But those look like just Jumbo Browns from here. Could be a cross. But golden chicks look like this below...


True a pure golden does look like that.. i have one from your batch

i think these are crosses because these are to light in color to be normal browns.. if anything i think they will be like a light brown cream color once adults
they are the best
i have a golden jumbo hen from eggs i hatch last year from Sam and she is a beauty

and yes PC i shall listen to so far so good
No, please, disagree with me. You are right. I just got so excited to see
BirdBoy getting through this dilemma. I'm SO GLAD other quail people
are watching this thread. I saw gold and got excited.

Some of BB's eggs are from your stock. Some are extras from an Ebay
auction. You are the Granddad.

Sam, do you think my idea of helping them hatch is ok? Everyone is so
silent. I know there are others watching this thread.
No, please, disagree with me. You are right. I just got so excited to see
BirdBoy getting through this dilemma. I'm SO GLAD other quail people
are watching this thread. I saw gold and got excited.

Some of BB's eggs are from your stock. Some are extras from an Ebay
auction. You are the Granddad.

Sam, do you think my idea of helping them hatch is ok? Everyone is so
silent. I know there are others watching this thread.

I would say it is because so far they are doing great the membrane is pretty much glue on to them and they can hardly move only thing i see they can move are there beaks
PC I do sometimes help the chicks hatch. I usually only help them though if I have been watching the same chick working at a pip for more than a day. Sometimes I will dribble warm water onto the chick if is has zipped the egg they whole way around but isn't coming out. Otherwise I feel it is survival of the fitest in my bators. I do believe quail need a little bit of a higher humidity to hatch. But not too high. Everyone has a different opinion and do what works for you.
No, please, disagree with me. You are right. I just got so excited to see
BirdBoy getting through this dilemma. I'm SO GLAD other quail people
are watching this thread. I saw gold and got excited.

Some of BB's eggs are from your stock. Some are extras from an Ebay
auction. You are the Granddad.

Sam, do you think my idea of helping them hatch is ok? Everyone is so
silent. I know there are others watching this thread.

i would help them just because of all the things that went wrong ( hunidity),, and then to hear how good the last 1 he helped is doin.....

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