PG 32 to 39 Cindy & Tori's AWESOME! hatch! Plus PICS!!

This seems to be doing the trick though

all the chicks are 3 days late anyway and they are very weak from being in the egg over time and so far only one had died and that one had been trying to hatch on it's own for almost the full day

and Don i think i have a white or a golden one!

it's colors are different it's very very light with a little bit of dark line and the feet are bright pink.. not like the others
1Much, that is my logic exactly. The last few days of incubation is so
important. As was said in another post a broody never leaves for
the last few days. In this case helping them seems prudent.

Sam, in my bator now are 50 Coturnix on day 18. All is well(sort of).
Humidity is at 60%. I won't help them. I also agree that quail need
a higher humidity to hatch. I'd love to boost it but that would force
me to open the bator.

2 weeks ago my bators lost power for 24 hours. I had around 150
mixed chicken and quail eggs in them. Amazingly my chickens had
a great hatch but the quail didn't. At day 21 I assisted 25 Bobwhite
eggs. BIG MISTAKE! They needed 23 days. I killed them all. I left the
Coturnix alone and had an ok hatch.

In Birdboy's case I believe an assist is prudent yet in my own case,
just a week ago, I made a bad and ignorant decision.

Every hatch is a new experience.

I'm thnakful you guys are here in this thread and I can't wait for pics
of Birdboys quail running around.
all is good so far.. i hope i am doing the right thing by helping.. i don't want to seem like i hurting them or anything because that is the last thing on my mind is hurting them..

i just want to make sure they make it alive and so far all but one has.
I'm so happy for you Mark! Hope the rest hatch ok. I just took mine off the turner - day 14 for me. Sam, you're gonna be a great-great Grandpa! I've got 79 eggs in there - 28 jumbo and 51 buttons. Both usually hatch very poorly for me, but this time, following all your info, I had the humidity between 50-65% the entire time. I hope that was right.

Can't wait to see pics of your really light chick! Go chickies go!!!!

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