PG 32 to 39 Cindy & Tori's AWESOME! hatch! Plus PICS!!

Birdboy CONGRATS on your hatch!

I have never seen quail before and I did follow this thread very intresting and pretty babies! great job! My 1st batch of eggs are
going in bator tomorrow morning, I hope I have as good of hatch as you did, this will be my 1st time in over 15 years!

CONGRATS to everyone who is hatching now!
Eggcellent!!!! You'll have to keep us posted on how the golden one feathers out. What an experiment!!!!

Day 15 for me...just got home and have to run down and get that humidity up somehow. At 59% and holding; not good.
Yup yup i sure will

update me on your hatch.. only way i got my humidity back up i had to keep adding warm water and damp warm rag.
lol hatches are very unpredictable

i just wish we could set it and forget it and on the hatch day we always get great %

that's a big wish
Oh good - I feel better now. I have 3 accurite temp/humidity things in there. They all read different: 51%, 59%, 74%. The temp on all says 99 degrees so apparently I have to guess what the actual humidity is! I hate that...

I do have a rag in there that I just soaked again with warm water. I have all the wells filled but I put that non-stick shelf liner over the hardware cloth so the humidity doesn't rise as well. I only need 5 buttons; the other 74 eggs are a bonus.

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