PG 32 to 39 Cindy & Tori's AWESOME! hatch! Plus PICS!!

Keep the faith. The variables of winter hatches have been creating havoc
with many of us. Heck, Buster just hatched 5 at 21 days after the others
hatched normally. My hatch took 2 days when they usually pop out
Thanks Buster

LOL Cindy you saw what i went through and PC iss right quail hatches lately have been havoc on our brains!!!!!!!!!!!
and just in general

you see mines didn't start hatching until the night of day 18 going on 19

jusr gotta hang in there we are here for ya!

Edit because i can't
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I'm sure you guys are right; it has been cold here and even my chickens hatched late last weekend. HOPEFULLY today will be the day. I still got nuthin' but I did just turn the thermostat up a wee bit.

Thanks for the support and for hanging in there with me
Congrats on all the chicks, BirdBoy! They are SOOO TINY!!!! And they are ADORABLE!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!! and congrats on the hatch, PC!
Yea it's nerve racking when they hatch late

but i know you have some babies in there .. yup yup

when mine were hatching i kept my temp between 99.5 and 100
sometimes it would be 100 and sometimes it would be 99.5

we are here for ya no one is leaving until these babies hatch

77horses: thanks
My temps are perfect, fluctuating between 99 & 100. Not sure what my humidity is because one reads 50% and the other reads 77% - assuming somewhere in between...and still nothing.

I don't know how much more of this I can take!!
I think I'm gonna have to jump in the shower and go shopping to get my mind off of it. Maybe...just maybe when I come back I'll have SOMETHING!!!!! How frustrating.
What day today is it for the eggs?

i know for me day 14 and 15 my eggs were like dead no movement or anything.

and i did notice with my late hatching quails that some of the chicks were either really big or had really big feet... because my very last egg... i was taking out all the dead eggs ready to clean the bator and i pick one eggs up and i felt something hit my finger and i look.. it was a chick

it pip on the wrong end and got stuck.. when i got it out it was a very large chick in a small egg it didn't walk for like the first few hours i guess being cramp up like that puts a number on those big feet.

we are here waiting with ya

come on babies!!
Today is day 18, and I know they have more problems with a late hatch. I've had my share of mushy chicks and it's not fun. Never had that with the quail though so we'll see. I did see some moving yesterday but nothing today.

Thanks for being there and I'll be sure to let you know if there's any new developments. The mall always makes me feel better

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