Phantom bird


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2021
About 4 months ago one of our gray Australorps went missing. We had 2 gray and 4 black Australorps. This morning I was out feeding the girls and guess who showed up. Now I know someone has been taking care of this girl because she looked to be in fair shape. A bit ruffled and not as good looking as my others but still alive and kicking. I took a few pictures to show my granddaughters because they are helping to care for them.
I wanted a better picture so I went in to get some scratch and just that quick she was gone again. I know I’m not seeing things because I did get a few pictures of her. I’m not aware of any of my neighbors having chickens but I’m not absolutely sure about that.
Has anyone ever had anything like that happen?
I've heard similar stories when hens went broody, and sat on hidden nests. They sometimes come back for meals and then disappear again.

But you're dealing with too long a time for that. 4 weeks or one month could be broodiness, but I'm pretty sure not 4 months!
Odd. Have you asked your neighbors if they've seen her around? Maybe someone who doesn't have chickens was feeding her? If she shows up again I'd try and catch her.

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