Pheasants cross breeding

this is just my two cent but i beleve you can keep to species together aslong they are very differnt for instance, i keep red gold and impyean a pair of each in a pen20x35, and i have heard of people keeping firebacks and peacock pheasants pairs together but these are very different species they look very differnt they have differnt breeding displays andin the case of peacock pheasnts and fire backs differnt breeding and laying times. i do however agree that you whould never keep ringnecks and melistic together with or without hens they wil fight, nor should you keep gallos together , ruffs together, longtails together they will cross in a heartbeat and males will kill each other and in the case of mixed pens you should always do it with young birds and put them in at the same time and if you should lose one do not try and replace it if the others are good and established they will kill the new comer pen size is always crucial for mixed pens aswell
i also frogot to say that you should never mix red faced breeds together this meens no ringnecked or elliot humes cooper or mikado in the same penswith eachother or with any of the gallo pheasants this will lead to disater. With all said you must no forget these birds are wild animals and will do what they do what works for me or others my not work for other people it all depends on the birds and pen situation some birds may mix well others may be craky and not mix well. it is a must to in troduce the birds togrther and when you can be home allday to watch but try to be around out side alot as it dont take but minutes for one ore more pheasants to kill another one
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Of the species kloptrix has only the Reeves pheasant are considered vulnerable according to CITES. The others are ranked under least concern. Actually the anti-hybrid crowd seems most prevalent on this site. I am not anti but I am pro with strings attached. My requirements are that you have a plan and are not just doing it to see what happens. If you have a goal for improvement than I am with you all the way. Thousands of years ago somebody started breeding Jungle Fowl together for the beginnings of the modern chicken. Why can't pheasant be treated similarly?
i want to point out Reeves that people have birds because they like them and to have fun meeting new people and birds and because this is a very interesting hoddy full of ups and the inveitable downs so if some one wants to raise your so called "mutts " like the splashes and other mutations ,who are you or anyone else to put them down, they raise the birds because they like them ,they are interested in them and because they want them just like why you have your birds for ,and im sure they put just as much work and money into them and take just as much care and pride into them as you do and i know you dont want someone putting your birds down and i pretty certian people dont take kindly to you putting their birds down becaue you think their mutts.i happen to be getting some peach and peach splash golden in the fall because i like them and i dont like you putting them down and bad mouthing them before i even get them. the day people cant have what birds they want for fear of being made fun of or because people do away with mutations because they are not true pheasants are not true wild specimens and if thats what that person wants and the mutations have been destroy will in my mind be the day aviculture dies and the day i quite so before you start talking about why people should or should not raise somthing you should step back and think about why you raise birds and the effect of your comments on people this reeves is my two cent
Probably for the same reason we don't like people putting our hobby of raising pheasants in true form down.You should read previous post on this subject in this same forum.When I hear people say do you have any birds for sale?Then I tell them what I have available,and then they reply I am going to breed a red golden with a silver.Well I opt not to sell to them and that is my option.I don't want my birds or any pheasants for that matter crossed with anything.We are supposed to be stopping these birds from ever becoming extinct,which some are getting to close for comfort to.
In N.H.,Tony.
tony i understand that we need to conserve the pheasants in their true from and i think anyone who would misrepersent the birds and sell them as something they are not like selling a swinehoe cross with edwards as a pure swinehoe or a elliot crossed with humes as a pure elliot or humes or selling a golden mutation as a pure golden is dispicable and unmoral and they are as low as dirt. i have never heard or seen anyone put down rasing pheasnts in their true from and this is actually the first place i have heard anyone badmouthing mutations ,if some one is staght up selling mutations as they are and for what they are and not misrepresenting them then you nor any one else as the right to put them down i know the bird busniess is about conservation but some people have forgot its also a hobby and your going to run people off and soon their will be no one to breed the true forms before long people will say that you should not raise certain type of true pheasants what then ,this is food for thought
You are not hearing me.I am trying to save the true pure species,not trying to see if anyone is honest or a liar.It has absolutely nothing to do with putting anyone down.I as a breeder of pheasants for over 28 years would like to raise them pure and keep them pure and hope others will so the same.I hope to preserve them in pure form for eternity so others in years to come can enjoy them as I do.
Though the mutations may be beautiful birds,one season of hatching mutations kills off 7 years of true birds,just 1 season.If mutating is kept up over 5 years,what happens to the pure birds?They disappear,and can never be brought back.
In N.H.,Tony.
tony i left one thing un said and thats that the rarer breeds need to be kept pure for sure and especally the ones nearing extiction we are their only hope but with ringnecks and golden i now they are not many pure goldens leftbut i do not see how your math adds up ,people enjoy the mutations to, are you saying let them go and disappear. i hear you loud and clear you want to save the pure state of each bird and you want the mutations gone this is the first time i have ever had this argument before no were else are people so crtical you have lost site of some reasons people have these birds if people are not selling mutations as pure and people are selling pure as pure then i donot see how the pure can disappear. i do not see harm in having mutations if that is what people want that is after all why we have birds because we want them, and if you can please show me were people have put down trying to keep raising pheasants in their true form. im on the fence about it i know they need to be pure but the common ones i dont see the harm and i think it would hurt to lose these mutations which i dont see happing and if it does then i give up
So what you are saying is the common breeds,goldens and rignnecks there are plenty of so we can mutate them?I guess I should stop right here because I can see you are not seeing the whole picture.
In N.H.,Tony.
i left one thing un said and thats that the rarer breeds need to be kept pure for sure and especally the ones nearing extiction we are their only hope but with ringnecks and golden i now they are not many pure goldens left

and why do you think it is that way ?

All species deserve to be kept pure.

I find it hard to believe you've never heard about persons wanting to keep blood lines clean. You must be a young person ?​

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