Phoenix care


9 Years
Jul 9, 2010
I have been thinking about getting a phoenix or two for a long time now. Do any of you know the type of coop/run they would need. I wouldn't want to have a scrappy rooster, so if you have any tips on taking care of their tails/saddle feathers please tell me. Thanks!
The biggest things for them are to have high perches so that the tail feathers are not dragging the ground while they roost, to have dry and clean ground in their pen (mud will mess up the feathers), and lots of room to move around so that other birds are not standing on their tails. A high protein feed doesn't hurt either.

If you want birds with really long tails, you'd be better to buy birds from a good breeder and pay a little more money for them than buying them from a commercial hatchery. Reputable breeders will have higher quality birds and a better chance of a super long tail. Hatchery birds often have tails that barely reach the ground. (Nothing wrong with them, but you can't expect an 8 foot tail from them!)
I have a trio of phoenixes, this is what I do to keep them in good shape:

1. Have an open idea of a coop, no tiny peep holes to squeeze into, how about a 2.5ft tall by 2ft wide people looking door for them? That works great for me.

2. Give them 3 times the space that you thought they needed, if you thought 9 sq feet (2ft by 3ft) go for 27 sq feet (9ft by 9ft)

3. Fresh fruit, Fresh vegetables & growers feed mixed w/layers (good healthy combo for their tails)

4. Hatchery or not a 3ft roost or higher (mine id 3.5 foot off the ground...they can fly like 12ft vertical, not a joke)

5. Only pine wood chips in the coop, in the run try for very dry straw for warmth (mine like to snuggle in it on cold days)

6. 1 rooster per pen, this is essential.

7. Get younger birds, hold them, love them name them, these are your pets for years, they aren't something you'll want to get rid of ever (mine are all sweety babes)

8. Have a broody hen pen attached to the run, they the hens are great setters and I have one, that after 3 weeks of owning this new hen who is broody! Goodness. Don't forget the broody pen.

If you have more questions feel free to post em'.
Wow, thanks! That is really helpful. How tall are most phoenix coops? I image they must be huge. Are hens and roos fairly easily handled? I have never gotten to hold a phoenix before due to where I live.
LAST QUESTION. Do you free range you phoenixes, or do you find that it just ruins their tails? Thanks again.
I've only ever owned three phoenixes, and (I still own them and plan to keep them) they are by far the tamest birds I have ever owned. My avatar has a picture of my favorite hen, Tula. She is so friendly she flys at faces and then makes a quick turn to your shoulder -even to complete strangers, she thinks, "People! FOOD!" same with the other hen, Peanut and the rooster Satchel except they don't fly at heads. The hen named Peanut is broody as this is being typed and the eggs from my trio are very fertile. Satchel is a soft crower and very gentle so he hasn't messed up my hens feathers, no need for saddles, though he does do his job. They are big on treats, they see food they eat it.

Mine are bantams but they also come in full size fowl. My coop is roughly 4.5 ft tall by 4ft long and wide. But this pen is just for the trio, mine get to free range for two hours in a larger pen than their daily run for 2hours before roosting, they like it and my rooster's tail is in tact and so pretty. Here's a picture cutout of my pair (before I added the third phoenix) that I won in a contest:

"Satchel & Tula"
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Ahhhhhh!!!! You're making me want phoenixes more and more!!!! Yours are very pretty!
The coop wasn't as big as I thought it would have to be (which is a relief because I am not one for big projects:D). I can't wait to get a pair!!!!!! I am glad to hear that they are friendly. I spoil all of my chickens and in return think that they should love me back!:pWhere did you get yours? (I want a reliable source so that I won't end up with "phoenixes"). I can't wait to get a pair!!!!!!
Well mine aren't from a hatchery, they're from a breeder in Northern Utah (Ogden), which I purchased from a fellow chicken keeper in my area when they were a lot younger, she said the parents were stunning and she really likes hers and like mine so look for a breeder in Ogden area. You can also buy eggs from an auction on the BYC website (on here) and see pictures of parents.
thanks for some great tips on phoenix chicken care, i free range them but trained them to stay on the wooden beams of my chicken house and i got lucky on my 2 cockerels and they are happy with it and so am i

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