
I love photography
I sale some of it online and it's lots of fun when others love it and buy it
I am using the funds from the sales to buy some hatching eggs of breeds I don't already have but want.
So my photography addiction is helping fund my chicken addition
I have a Q for people who sell their photos: I'd like to sell some prints at fairs and such, but a) how much should I charge? b) where exactly to sell? c) what kind of prints should I make and how to mount them?
I've never sold offline so I don't know for sure. I was thinking of maybe ordering a bunch of greeting cards I get a 20% discount because they are my own work and then taking them with me to a swap meet to try and sale at the price people online have to pay if they want to buy them. I wouldn't undercharge your work but I wouldn't overcharge for it either. I would make a variety of prints in a variety of sizes. Once you know what size sales the best and what prints sale the best you can always make more. I've had stuff I thought was horrible sale and stuff I think is wonderful never sale so I wouldn't make a ton of prints of just a few things but a bunch of prints of a lot of things to see what sales before investing too much into it.
I love photography. Right now, I'm aspiring for a much better camera. I do what I can with my little point-and-shoot. Don't get me wrong, it has served me well over the past three years or so for small things, but I'm just so ready for something better.




Just wanted everyone to know I enjoyed looking at your pics. Makes me want to get mine out. I just got a new camera and want to use it more. It's just a Kodak but it's 8.1 megapixel with 12x zoom. I looked at the fancier cameras but I wanted something I could grab an shoot a quick shot without a bunch of fuss and trying to set everything makes me frustrated. It takes great pics for what I need it for. I have kids and they are my subjects, besides my chicken kids.
I'm big into scrapbooking.
I love all the pictures. The thing is to go out and just take the pictures. I have a Nikon D40 and I love it! It is easy to use and takes great pictures.

So have a "Shutterbug" Day everyone and keep the pictures coming.
Can i post a picture from a cell phone? Its an amazing picture just low quailty and my cell phone was the onyl thing i had on my at the time!
As an amatuer photographer, I took classes throughout highschool, and apprenticed with a professional for some year's afterwards. However I've let the hobby go. I do still have my (very beat up) Cannon 35mm, but haven't progressed into the digital age.

If one were looking for an affordable digital SLR, which would you or y'all suggest?

ETA: I also have an old Mamiya medium format with the dual lenses and the viewfinder on top.... somewhere! I need to locate that thing.
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