Pic of my 6 Week Old Crossed Beak...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Gulf Coast of Alabama
Her beak has gotten much worse.... But she's still eating and doing great otherwise. I have been mixing the starter with some water and putting it in a bowl for her to eat. Plus, she "deep feeds" from the feeder as well as another bowl I have for her in the coop. I just feel sorry for her because it takes her forever to eat and she can't eat treats that I put into the coop like lettuce leaves, etc. Anyway, I thought I would share a couple of pics of "Quakers":


You know it's too bad they don't have some sort of chicken "braces" to fix this sort of think. You know, kinda like the braces some of us have to wear as teenagers to straighten our teeth LOL

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