Pick 12…

Say you could have exactly 12 chickens/roosters. What breed(s)/colors would you pick & why? Could be 12 different or all the same. Price and availability or lack thereof are a non-factor.

Can’t wait to see the variety of ideal flocks!
2 Seramas
A mottled mille fleur hen and a cuckoo roo
3 Barbu D'uccles
A mille fleur (Noodles), a lavendar and a porcelain (hens)
2 Polish
a buff laced and a silver laced frizzle (hens)
3 UK Silkies
a silver rooster (Kiwi xx), a white and a black hen
2 Cochin bantams
a mille fleur frizzle hen (thor) and a black/white mottled smooth hen
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There's no way I could pick only 12! I'd have to have Dorkings in Silver Gray and Colored, maybe Red, too. I couldn't go without my silkied Cochins in Blue, Black, Splash, and maybe Barred or Mottled as well. And of course there are the Old English in Silver Duckwing, Fawn SDW, Khaki SDW, and I'd want to have Blue SDW, Crele, and Silver Crele, too... Plus I'd have to have a Marans or two and some Easter-eggers for egg colors, maybe an Ameraucana or Legbar as well, and my flock wouldn't be complete without a Plymouth Rock... Plus there are all those breeds I've always wanted to have and haven't been able to get them yet... And if there are any roosters then I'd end up with more from hatching eggs... I just can't bring that number down to 12! 🤣
Here are my 12:
Splash Ameraucana
Appenzeller Spitzhauben
Silver Laced Barnevelder
Cream Brabanter
Silver Gray Dorking
Salmon Faverolles
Mottled Houdan
Cream Legbar
Exchequer Leghorn
Blue Cuckoo Marans
Jubilee Orpington
Olive Egger

Runner ups:
Speckled Sussex
Sicilian Buttercup
Splash or Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
White Crested Blue Polish
Grey Silkie

I like cool patterned birds with lots of black, blue, white & cream, and floofy tufts and “hairdos!”
More: D'anvers, D'uccles and Sillican buttercups
My 12 would be:
Dark Brahma
Golden Camping
Buff Cochise
Partridge Cochise
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Columbian Wyandotte
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Mille Fleur D'Uccle
Porcelain D'Uccle
Buff Brahma
I like all the different kinds!
Hummm just 12, that is so hard to do.

1. Blue Brested Wheaten Ameracauana
2. Silver Ameracauana
3. Blue Sumatra
4. Blue Andalusian
5. Silver Duck Wing Phoenix
6. Gold Duck Wing Phoenix
7. Silver Spangled Spitzhauben
8. Chamois Spitzhauben
9. Red Shouldered White Yokohama

>.> lets be honest I would have more than 12 if there where no factors limiting me. Or at lest a trio of each of those breads I have listed.

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