Pick Two of Three

so which ones are you picking? I sure wish you were closer, I would love to see this flock.

I like Green best for his color, his lacing, and for some indefinable thing that I can't put my finger on.

Red is my backup. He's the largest (just barely), but his color isn't as good and I think Green's chest is deeper.

This morning when I was feeding them and letting them out I was sure I heard a crow from a different part of the area than Ludwig was in. I walked around and it was Red.

He's definitely got the early maturity down. I saw him approach a laying pullet but she pecked him and chased him off. Then I saw him attempt a hatchmate but she squawked and Ludwig disciplined him.

Meanwhile, Green was in a different area with a group of other pullets around him.

Both are about as calm as I expect a chicken to be when handled.
I would anticipate that it is about to get noisy... I think it is Ridgerunner that says early maturing is good. I just recently had a surprise rooster, and he was 6 months old and had NEVER crowed. He just was not masculine... didn't have it, and I culled him.

I think Green will be crowing soon, and I know just what you mean, he has 'it' for me too!

I am enjoying this, right along with you.

Mrs K
I felt breastbones, chest muscles, and leg muscles for both Red and Green, the latter of whom has some impressive thighs. Both had solid chests, though it's clear that they're in the bony stage of development.

I checked Yellow for comparison purposes and he simply doesn't have the development of the top birds. Not just in a bony stage, but bony. If I end up eating him, he won't have a lot on him.
Green is such a handsome thing already, he'll be quite a stud when he has his adult plumage in. Side note, did you ever figure out what your red chick was?

Yes, it was decided that she is an RIR.

(Searches for current photo)


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