Picking up Guinea eggs tomorrow for the incubator

Cute babies, but what a bummer you only hatched 6 keets. I see at least a couple Pieds
I'm a little disappointed that only 6 hatched, but then when I consider all the problems I had with the humidity I'm grateful that I got these. I'm going to make a couple of modifications to the incubator to see if I can get a handle on the humidity, then try again. It'll be a couple of weeks though. Right now I've got my granddaughter here, 18 mos. and it's really difficult to think about eggs when I'm chasing a two legged tornado all day. Worse case scenario I'll have to buy a few keets, but I would rather hatch them. I think I'm addicted!

In the meantime I also have a broody hen in the barn sitting on a clutch of eggs in an upright box full of horse blankets. I need to keep an eye on her because if she hatches chicks there is no way that they will make it out of the box and down to the ground.
Guinea eggs hatch around 28 days, chicks at 21. Adding the chicken eggs a week after the Guinea eggs is a great idea!

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