Picking up my first silkies


May 28, 2018
My husband finally let me get some silkies! A co worker of mine is moving and can’t take his flock with him, he has a black hen and a brown one! I’m so excited as this is my first time ever owning them. Any tips?
Congratulations and welcome to Backyard Chickens! Owning chickens is very rewarding and a whole lot of fun! One tip I have is make sure your chicken coop has proper ventilation. Also, watch out for predators when you are free ranging them! Silkies are sure sweet little things! They lay adorable tiny eggs that melt your heart when you hold them. They aren't production layers though, so don't expect as many eggs from them as, say, a leghorn. Silkies are generally a lot more friendly though.
Best of luck to you and your new flock! :thumbsup
Congratulations! Do you have any other chickens? My luck hasn't been great with slikies, out of the half dozen I've had all of them have been male. Mike, my first slikie, was kinda dumb. My current silkie isn't bad, but I worry he's a little to big for my OGEB hens so he's in a Batchelor coop as of right now.

I've heard silkie hens are great broody's. Silkies have five toes while most other chickens have four. They have black skin. They can't fly, like, at all, really. Some have a large poof on the top of their head, and can miss a flying predator easily. Make sure they can roost easily, since they can't fly well.
Have fun with your new feather babies!
Congratulations! Do you have any other chickens? My luck hasn't been great with slikies, out of the half dozen I've had all of them have been male. Mike, my first slikie, was kinda dumb. My current silkie isn't bad, but I worry he's a little to big for my OGEB hens so he's in a Batchelor coop as of right now.

I've heard silkie hens are great broody's. Silkies have five toes while most other chickens have four. They have black skin. They can't fly, like, at all, really. Some have a large poof on the top of their head, and can miss a flying predator easily. Make sure they can roost easily, since they can't fly well.
Have fun with your new feather babies!

I have a pretty good size flock right now. I have a Salmon Faverolle rooster, he is so freaking beautiful. I have 10 hens right now. I have 3 Isa Browns, 2 EE’s, 1 Buff Orpington, 2 bantam cochins, 1 EExBlue Cochin cross and lastly a Australorp.
Congratulations! Do you have any other chickens? My luck hasn't been great with slikies, out of the half dozen I've had all of them have been male. Mike, my first slikie, was kinda dumb. My current silkie isn't bad, but I worry he's a little to big for my OGEB hens so he's in a Batchelor coop as of right now.

I've heard silkie hens are great broody's. Silkies have five toes while most other chickens have four. They have black skin. They can't fly, like, at all, really. Some have a large poof on the top of their head, and can miss a flying predator easily. Make sure they can roost easily, since they can't fly well.
Have fun with your new feather babies!
What are OGEB ? I’ve heard that they are kind of dumb but I love that , more comedy to add to the flock.
Congratulations and welcome to Backyard Chickens! Owning chickens is very rewarding and a whole lot of fun! One tip I have is make sure your chicken coop has proper ventilation. Also, watch out for predators when you are free ranging them! Silkies are sure sweet little things! They lay adorable tiny eggs that melt your heart when you hold them. They aren't production layers though, so don't expect as many eggs from them as, say, a leghorn. Silkies are generally a lot more friendly though.
Best of luck to you and your new flock! :thumbsup
I have a current flock already and I’ve been a member for awhile. Thanks for the tips! I hope they are super broody!
Sorry I meant OEGB. It stands for Old English Game Bantam. Here are some pictures of some of my OEGB.
Self blue OEGB. My favorite hen.
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The hen on the ground is not a OEGB she a porcelain d'uccles. The one one the create is a silver duckwing OEGB.
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Here's a better picture.

I would Post more but this is a silkie post isn't it? Here's my current silkie a few months back.

I have a newer one but I can't find it at the moment. I'll go out and take one in the morning.

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