Picky Chickens?...

Not sure if picture helps much.
im tired of our MFA.
we do have a country store with Specific Brands of feed,but its not cheap.
the above feed is 9.60 a 50 lb bag. Feed at country store is 12.00 to 16.0o a 50 lb bag.
Pellets get kicked out and flicked out ,and crumble.. Even the chick starter is ground corn to a powder like feed,which gets scratched out.
I tried Sour Mash....Chickens did Not like it.
That's amazing that they can pick out the corn from that. I'm wondering if the formula or the processing was changed recently because you said they used to eat it. You can maybe try the other type of food you mentioned just to see if they'll eat it or not, but not sure what else to suggest... CHickens won't let themselves starve, but they sure can be messy while protesting.

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