Pics***BR, RIR, EE, Lemon Orphs...Please help sex my flock!!! Lots of PICS!!***


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
Lafayette, LA
Basically, I am trying to decide if I should order sexed chicks from My Pet Chicken because I think I have a lot of roosters.

I would go with that site because I can order a SMALLER AMOUNT.

But, I have bought all of my chicks straight run, except two that I bought from a bin that was "90%" pullets.

I have two bantam patridge wyandottes, 2 Rhode Island Reds, both of which I think are roosters, 4 Barred Rocks, one of which I think is a rooster. Not sure about the other older one. My step mom has two from the same batch and hers do not have combs like mine, so maybe they are both Roos??

One lovely EE, which I pray is a pullet. (I think so based off of reading threads!)

Two Lemon Cuckoo Orphingtons, 2 weeks old. Straight run. (I suspect that they were only selling roosters, but we shall see!)

I'm in this for fun and EGGS of course. I cannot keep roosters in my city limits. But, I do love my RooROO!

Please check out my album and share your opinions! I need HELP! My husband thinks I'm nuts and does not want me to get any more chicks. LOL! But I just want to have my "flock" established! And....... I think I'm addicted. I want more EEs :)


RooRoo on left ,Middle? Hen? (RIR)


EE, 3-4 weeks

Sexed pullets


Leon Chick, 2 weeks

Katie? Back

EE back

Katie legs

Katie, I think.

Katie comb

Katie running

My two ROOS!!

BR roo legs, darker lemon chick

BR ROO? Katie in background with "sexed" chicks



HIS comb
No idea on what you have, but I thought I'd tell you that MPC got me 11 chicks out of 13 ordered. The eleven that lived through shipping etc. are all girls and came sexed properly. Just wanted to say I had a good experience with ordering chicks from them .

Good luck, and your little ones are adorable.:D
Thanks for info Sallysec! I don't want to end up with too many chickens for the size of my coop. I know I could re home some of them, but I get attached.
I'm still hoping for more opinions here! I want to get rid of roosters as soon as possible but I would hate to accidentally give away a lady. As it is, I'm attached to them.
If they are only 4 weeks old, a pullet would have little to no comb and it wouldn't have any pink or red in it yet and definitely no wattles. Also, a BR pullet would be pretty dark with an almost dotted pattern (like the one marked pullet above). Best of luck though. Roosters are pretty easy to rehome via craigslist.
Your sexed black pullets are blowing my mind. They clearly have the little white dot atop their heads right? I have a black star roo that was sex link. The white dot on his head showed that he was a rooster. He looks like a barred rock now, and is great but the white spot totally meant roo. The rest of your birds are beautiful!
Jaime7100- they are about 6 weeks old. My EE is 3-4. I think you are right. I read the info about sexing barred rocks, but I guess I was just trying to be hopeful.

Silkiemamma42- I think the white spot on head is one indicator of female for barred Rocks. My younger ones had huge yellow heads! The bigger ones that are roosters had smaller white dots.
I know what you mean - I have 2 out of 3 sexed cuckoo marans pullets that I'm pretty sure are actually cockerels. I keep trying to justify their red combs and lighter color

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