pics of 7-wk-old pekin/mallard crosses


10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
the back of my horse
Our mallard hen hatched 19 babies last month, but these four were hatched in the incubator and we're very attached to them. I did a lot searching for photos of this cross on the internet, but couldn't find any so this is for anyone else who is curious. I was really surprised by the black ones!



I have had some pekin cross ducklings in the past bought from a market to raise for other people wanting pet ducks I dont know what the cross was- But they were crossed with a Mallard. They also had a similar colour patern..Very interesting...Im still learning about colour genetics so cant really comment about exactly what it could be influencing that clour pattern- But it sure it interesting...Thanks for posting.

Edited to add...
OK...So CityChicker You got in while I was typing.. I was hoping to hear from someone who knew a little more about the genetics..
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Now, when you breed these together, you should get 25% that are solid white.

Oh wow, that's interesting! Of these four, the smaller black one is the only female. Any idea how the drakes will feather out as adults? You can see a green shimmer on the blacks ones' heads, but I was curious how the drakes' coloring may change.​
One year, I hatched out a bunch of Pekin/mallard mutt crosses and all but one had that black and white coloration with the bib. The last was also black and white, but her entire head was white! As they grew, some got some brown coloration coming through on their bodies, while the males' heads got very green. So pretty! Congratulations.

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