Pics of my duck hut...finally


13 Years
May 13, 2010
I have posted pics of the outside but would like to post pics of the inside and outside for people to see since so many ask what the inside/outside of your duck huts/houses look they's very simple( as we are simple people), but works very well...the windows will get plexi-glass for winter.I still need to finish the shingling on the roof...and tighten down the doors for winter but it's usable
I put a bag of pine shavings on the bottom and then a layer of hay.It's very easy to clean with the three doors on the back.There are no nest boxes...they make nests in the corners on the floor.




And you know they have to check it out after you clean it

Through the side window...


Here some of them are looking around,making sure I did it right...


what a great concept! so simplistic but so useable. How do you feel it will be for winter?? we're still in the 'work in progress' to get a duck house for our muscovy but i admit we're struggling on exactly what to build.
Winter will be fine because the last hut I had was not as well built and was so small...the plexi-glass will go over the windows and the doors will be buttoned up tighter.Yes, very simple...and a BREEZE to clean...takes 15 minutes!Using a square head shovel and a wheelbarrow.
Yes,it is hay with a layer of pine shavings underneath...I change it about once a week.I don't give food and water in the house so it doesn't get so wet and nasty.The hay works awesome....when I clean it...the hay kinda sticks together in a it takes no time at all.I used straw before...never again unless there is nothing else.The straw is much harder since it stays in individual pieces.
I feed and water them in their run...even in winter since ducks pretty much always want to be outside.I have a plastic tank heater for the small pool to keep it from freezing.I have a heated water base and galvanized waterer so I just have to fill it each doesn't freeze.The ducks all go in at night on their own.I trained the first 6 I had to do it and now any I put in there follow the older ducks.The ducks are easy-peasy now to care for!
Wow! Thanks for the information. I wasn't sure about the hay. I have a horse so I have a constant source of hay available and actually the straw is harder to come by. Question: I don't feed or water in my coop at all either for my hens, but I do keep a bucket of water in a horse bucket in the corner of the pen for the ducks. I put a rock in it so it doesn't tip over. I was worried about not giving them water at night, but it does get wet so ..... Will they be okay with no water at night? Once again, there is no food in there. I put their food out when I let them out and they are free ranging all day.
My ducks have had no water overnight since they were able to go outside.They are a year and a half old and are healthy.I just hatched some of their eggs,as a matter of fact
They go in around 9-9 30 pm and they get let out between 7 30 and 830 am....I have had no problems ...they actually love the hay...I cover the ground of their run in hay for now as well.They love to drill around in it...and seem to enjoy it a lot.In the morning the pools get dumped and refilled and they dance around and quack in excitement.Once the pools are filled everyone has a good bath.It's really a cute routine....they don't seem to mind not having the water overnight and it is sooooo less messy in the hut.I wanted them to have a clean,DRY place to sleep and this works very well.
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