Picture thread of my hens!

oh no i feel horrible for you ..what can i say but so sorry ...i worry about mine free ranging out side being my back yard is 1153 acres of state forest..im hoping dakota my english shepard keeps harm away from them..do u think the ones attacked will survive ....
Johnn I seen Bella's photos on the other thread I hope she gets a full recovery! That wound looks horrible! I know that sometimes those wounds are very deep but the chickens pull through. I just hope Bella will be one of those few, especially for her chick
Thanks everyone. I'm hoping she will pull through. I got a good look last night and the muscle/tissue I can see inside is still healthy :)
oh no i feel horrible for you ..what can i say but so sorry ...i worry about mine free ranging out side being my back yard is 1153 acres of state forest..im hoping dakota my english shepard keeps harm away from them..do u think the ones attacked will survive ....
The cockerel will be fine, he just had one bite mark which just looks like the canine tooth of a dog and then the one who was missing is out free ranging again, so she should be fine. I only got one egg yesterday so they are abviously all a bit stressed out!
I am so sorry about Bella - poor hen. I hope she will recover well. I had a hen heal from a a hawk attack that ripped her side open. Chickens can have amazing powers of recuperation. I will check out your other thread to keep up with Bella's progress. At least Bella's mother can take over caring for the chick.
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I am so sorry about Bella - poor hen. I hope she will recover well. I had a hen heal from a ripped a hawk attack that ripped her side open. Chickens can have amazing powers of recuperation. I will check out your other thread to keep up with Bella's progress. At least Bella's mother can take over caring for the chick.
Thanks. And yeah, she would accept the chick if Bella doesn't make it. But at the minute she still has it and she's getting up to have a scratch in the straw to find meal worms!
Also the white you can see is not her pale face. Shes obviously just had her head in the sudacreme!
The fact that Bella is alert and eating much less still caring for her chick bodes very well for her recovery. My hen with the ripped open side was in shock for more than a day and wouldn't eat on her own for several days and still made a full recovery. It sounds like you are being vigilant for any signs of infection, so I think Bella will heal well.

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