Pictures Of baby chicks

We got them Wednesday January 9. I'd say they were about a day or two. So now that makes them about two weeks. They are getting on the different perches already and last night for the first time one let me hold her without squaking like I was trying to kill her. They went from a glass tank in my bedroom to a cage in the barn which goes from the porch to the barn depending on weather. They seem happy and love a few treats now and then. My husband gave them salami and that went over really well. They still eat their crumble for most of their diet. They have a few different perches and we joke that they are level 1 chickens on the first perch, level 2 chickens on the second perch and so on. They are incredibly entertaining.
I had to share this!
The one I posted of the wet chick in the incubator was the only one that hatched. We have named her Cupcake.
Here she is in my bed with my 9 year old daughter.

Serama baby from last year!
too cute!

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