pictures of eggs set for the 4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

. 6 chicken eggs. Forgot to post it yesterday. All set at noon
. I have quail to set on friday

6?? Is one invisible??
I read last night that I was supposed to put up a pic where the mod could count my eggs... so, I took another last night... here are the two trays of eggs I set... :) I think I did this all 'right'... will someone let us know if we messed up???

Total seems to be 40 egg-berts... of various kinds... 7 BBS Copper Marans, 1 EE cross with marans (OE), six barred rock, two project eggs, 9 Lav marans, 9 Jubilee Prpington and 6 Tolbunt Polish (sorry, no partridge available, and the pear tree died in the drought)
Finally!!! Late to the party but I'm finally here! Set at 3:48 pm today:

12 mystery eggs from CPL
14 seramas
11 silkies
5 buff brahma
15 coronation sussex
12 barred cochin
5 assorted marans

81 eggs total, yay!

Here they are, all unpacked and resting:

(The two monster eggs in the carton top on the left are from my white rock -- they didn't get set. No room!)

And in their brand-new turners:

And all loaded up and incubating!

I posted this on the main page first...oops! 19 mixed Silkie eggs, shipped all the way from Tennessee to Oregon...hoping and hoping!
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