Pictures of my mini lop kits at 5 weeks- critiques welcome-Pic Heavy

You take a penny or other small change and tape it to their easr if they don't go down by I want to say4 weeks but I maybewrong. I don't do lopped breeds. So that wasn't a funy looking rabbit? I've never heard of that diese. I just don't do it for the guinea pigs safter cuz they are so much smaller then my American Sables.
Who did you get your starter Mls from?
I am going to try that, see if it helps, I looked it up and saw one suggestion of just using Vet wrap all the way around the head (over both ears and under the chin as it doesn't pull out the hair.
I had never heard of them giving the guinea pigs disease either, I just heard that they could accidentally hurt him kicking and they can't eat rabbit food, so I only let him out with the babies, well I use to not going to now.

I found out my Horatio's coloring, while not an outright disqualification is not a "good" color as it's to late. So I won't be keeping him. I will instead be looking for a different buck. I may also be getting rid of Alex, as the litter he had before he came here had two of these too light Himalayan, if the doe I bred him with that is due to kindle this week has any of these colored kits Alex will go. I would at least like to not have to worry about the color when sizing up kits to keep for show.
One thing I enjoy about french angoras is that is easy to tell on the day of birth if their color is bad. Solids are never bad. Only brokens and smokes/pearls can have bad color.
well i think your babies are gorgeous and in all honesty i wouldnt worry about the guinea pig at all i think it would be a worse life for him being alone when he might not even get anything from those babies!
omigosh!!!!! my sister wants a bunny......she'd love your pics!! i'll have to show her. what breed is best for kids? you seem like you'd have some useful info about bunnies!!!
Honestly I recommend large breed for kids. Why? Because they are less likely to try to pick them up, which can be disastrous for both the rabbit and the kid. They are also calmer, usually. If you just want a pet, I would go with a Large breed buck (neutered if you have the money for it) Does get moody sometimes. New Zealand, Flemish Giants(if you can house it off of wire), French lops, any of the larger calmer breeds.
"Moody" is a very kind way to describe it.

Ikr! I would rather deal with a buck (even the ornery ones who try to spray pee on you) then a doe during her moods. Ours are crazy too, one day they are fine, next day they are all growley and uncooperative.

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