Pictures of neat coop things...and homemade feeders


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 15, 2009
Hanna, IN
I just want tons of pics of neat coop designs, homemade feeders and waterers and just ne thing you find useful to making coops the best you can and coolest....i will post pictures of my coop tommarow
I don't have a pic but I have a suet feeder that I put fresh grass in daily. It is hanging and it entertains them. It was really funny cause they acted scared of it at first, but now they love it.


and here is my intensive care unit if needed it


O.k. i will use this opportunity.

My husband brought home a shipping crate from work, put it on stilts, and modified it to work as an outdoor brooder. When the chicks move out (which is really soon), we'll be this very very heavy item inside one of the runs so it can act as a brooder/quarantine unit/icu whenever needed. I really like it. Since it's on stilts, it's really easy access to check on my chicks whenever i need to and to get in and clean and whatever i need to do.

It needs a paint job, but you get the idea.

Bucket - free... I've been getting them from the WalMart Bakery, or from a painter friend we have. Clean it out really good.
Spicket with 1/4 in line adapter - 10 bucks
1/4 in. tube fittings -2 bucks
float valve - 5 bucks
rubber hose - 5 bucks

My feeders are a 5 foot length of 4 in. PVC pipe with a 90 degree elbow and 4 more inches of pipe at the bottom Cut a hole in the 4 inch section. Fill the bad boy up and put a cap on top... instant feeder.

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