Pictures of Pheasant Housing/Run

I dont think you are picking on me. I love the advice its just the lack of dough right now. I have a smaller pen i could put a pair in until I can make the other pen. Its 4ft x 6ft x 3ft high do you think that will work for about a week?
I was going to post pics of my pens but this is basically the same set-up as what I made. Only difference is that the tin on the bottom of my run is a bit higher. I found from experience that coons can reach through and actually tear some 1" chicken wire. 1" braided netting is no challenge to a full grown raccoon also.
My run is fitted with discarded corrugated tin 4' high around the entire bottom of the run. This deters coons from reaching through, climbing, and spooking the birds if they are just nosing around. Good heavy 1" chicken wire surrounds the rest of the sides. Top net is 1" knotted netting which is only a few $'s more than braided but much stronger. I wouldn't suggest using 2" netting for the top if you have owls in your area. The owls usually spook the birds into flight which sometimes results in the bird getting thier head caught in the 2" netting. Once caught, the owl had easy picking to eat thier heads off and the rest just drops to the ground.
I don't claim to have a preditor free pheasant run yet...... Still working on keeping the rats out. Till then, I haven't lost a bird with this set-up. The tin on the bottom was the biggest improvement. Pheasants are more at ease even if my cats are crossing the yard. The birds can't be spooked if they can't see a possible threat.
My run is designed more to protect the birds rather than showing them off. Every person needs to decide what thier coop is to be designed for and build it according to thier needs.
Here's my pen with a male and two female melanistic mutant pheastants. It's a 16 x 16 pen.

i love all the picture of the pens guys
But if you paint the outside of the wire black it allows you to see the birds so much more clearly
just try it
The pen is actually covered in plastic game bird netting and only the bottom couple feet is actual wire panels. The shiny factor is just the sun in this pic. I'll try to get a better pic of it at some point, but I work so I'm gone during the day and it's dark now by the time I get back home.

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