pictures of your EEs as chicks and grown?

Eggsellent EE's!
They are so fun to look at and compare... After seeing Spire's Rooster, I think I must have one...I LOVE LOVE LOVE him!!!

Here are Ellen and Eva as day-olds from Ideal:


And here they are at 10 weeks old, just a couple of days ago:

ORChick--thanks for posting! Both your girls are beautiful. I guess most people seem to like the light ones best, but I think Dorothea is especially striking! From her baby pic I wouldn't have guessed she'd turn out so dark.

Sock Puppet--congratulations on your new gals! They're adorable, and I think their names really fit them (for now, anyway
). Please do post updates as they grow!

jossann, wow, thanks for more great pics! They are all so pretty (except for Benjamin Franklin--he's handsome, of course
). I think my girl looks a lot like your Harriet--I wonder if she'll turn out similar?

TXMom--I love Ellen and Eva's colors! And it's cool to see that they both started out looking pretty similar, and grew up that way, too. It gives me some hope that if I see a chick that looks like mine, it actually DOES help figure out what she might look like eventually! Sometimes it seems a little hopeless to be able to predict their adult coloring from their chick appearances.
Thank you. They are both very sweet natured as well. I thought I had a better picture of Dorothea as an adult, but I guess not. Oh darn! I suppose I'll have to go out there with the camera now

Dorothea is the one who lays a green egg - talented as well as pretty. Clara gives me a nice tan one.
I got this chick at TSC. What do you EE pros think he is? After looking at all these pics I beleive its a EE's. If you think he is a EE, can you tell my why.
Horsefeathers -

I keep meaning to ask you - where did you get Lilith and Fatima? I've always thought they were so beautiful and they look so different than other EEs I've seen.
I was very encouraged looking at all the pictures of everyone's EE's. I have 6 chicks right and some adult ones however both chicks and adults were sold to me as Ameracauna's but now some light has been shed on them. I just wanted a colourful basket of eggs in all shades of which they will supply. Not to mention the colourful array of chickens.

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