Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

Definitely a girl; look she's doing her makeup in the rear view mirror!

Lol, my four yr old daughter swears "he's" a boy. At what age can you determine its gender? S\he is about 4-5 weeks old, I'm getting impatient to find out lol.



Maybe it's just with Call Ducks, but I was pretty sure my Wobbles was a girl by 4 weeks. The girls tend to be more sing-songy, whereas boy peeps will be monotone. Although yours is a Muscovy, so I'm afraid that may not be of much help. :/
Okay, I just had to share this. Wobbles just got back from the vet where she had her wings wrapped, and I cut up some of my stockings to put around her to keep her from peeling off the bandage, and she keeps giving me the most sad, pathetic little looks! (please forgive her dirty pen, she literally just got back from the vet and this is just her temporary travel box)


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